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“Transition” Orchestrated by Chad’s Military Goes Awry

Spotlight   published by Daniel Eizenga on November 15, 2022

The violent crackdown on the peaceful opposition in Chad exposes the coercive intimidation behind the military junta’s unwillingness to facilitate a genuine democratic transition.

Rising Sea Levels Besieging Africa’s Booming Coastal Cities

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 8, 2022

Rising ocean levels threaten dozens of Africa’s rapidly expanding coastal metropolises, resulting in shrinking land area, coastal flooding, more powerful storm surges, and the need for better mitigation.

Understanding Burkina Faso’s Latest Coup

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 28, 2022

Two coups d’état in 9 months mark the latest inflection point in Burkina Faso’s political instability, causing heightened uncertainty as the country faces an escalating militant Islamist threat.

Conflict Remains the Dominant Driver of Africa’s Spiraling Food Crisis

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 14, 2022

More than 80 percent of the record 137 million Africans facing acute food insecurity are in conflict-affected countries underscoring that conflict continues to be the primary driver of Africa’s food crisis.

Russia’s Use of Private Military Contractors

Russia has deployed the shadowy paramilitary outfit, the Wagner Group, in at least a half dozen African countries in recent years, leaving a wake of instability for the citizens of the host country and the further retrenchment of illiberal actors.

Understanding the Fractured Landscape of Violent Extremism in the Lake Chad Basin

Program Materials  

This webinar takes an in-depth look at the reconfiguration of violent extremist organizations in the Lake Chad Basin, 16 months after the death of Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau. The analysis considers dynamics in the groups’ composition, their objectives over time, as well as political and economic factors that have enabled them to persist.

Five Zones of Militant Islamist Violence in the Sahel

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 26, 2022

The deterioration of the security environment in the western Sahel is marked by an array of differing actors, drivers, and motivations, calling for contextualized responses.

Seven Takeaways from Kenya’s Consequential Election

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 7, 2022

Despite shortcomings, Kenyans have set a new and higher electoral bar for themselves, their neighbors, and the rest of Africa—demonstrating how closely contested elections can be credibly resolved through sufficiently independent institutions.

Africa’s Contemporary Security Challenges

Program Materials  

This Africa Center program explores the changing demographic, economic, and environmental factors that may pose security challenges now or in the near future.

How Does Expanding Access to Justice Matter for Security?

Program Materials  

Access to justice is identified as a core element of rule of law, alongside clear and consistent rules and principles for the application of laws that uphold fundamental rights and freedoms, and the law’s application to all through functional systems of checks and balances. Knowing how different formal and informal aspects of the domestic justice system work, what their pros and cons are, and how to engage the various mechanisms one can choose from are significant contributors in and of themselves to citizen security. In this webinar, panelists will clearly articulate and offer examples from multiple countries that illustrate the ways that expanding citizens’ access to justice (through domestic courts and alternative dispute resolution) can mitigate drivers of insecurity and enhance the security sector’s fulfillment of its duties to the people.