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African-Led Peace Operations: A Crucial Tool for Peace and Security

Spotlight   published by Nate D.F. Allen on August 9, 2023

African-led peace operations have been vital tools for managing Africa’s complex array of security challenges, though continued reform is needed to intervene more decisively in the continent’s most devastating conflicts.

African Militant Islamist Group-Linked Fatalities at All-Time High

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 31, 2023

A 50-percent spike in fatalities tied to militant Islamist groups in the Sahel and Somalia over the past year has eclipsed the previous high in 2015 when Boko Haram was at its most lethal phase.

Attempted Coup in Niger: Backgrounder

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 27, 2023

The attempted military coup in Niger threatens to undermine the relative progress the country has made under its civilian democratic leaders and amplifies Niger’s risks for insecurity, economic crises, and political instability.

Using Africa as a Stage at the Russia–Africa Summit

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on July 21, 2023

The Russia-Africa Summit provides a stage for Russia to elevate its geostrategic posture despite the instability its irregular tactics are creating in Africa.

It’s Business as Usual for Wagner Group in Africa, despite Russian Turbulence

In the wake of the recent short-lived mutiny, Putin faces a dilemma: He can allow the Wagner escapades to continue in Africa unhindered—thereby generating further influence and some resources for the government—or he can attempt to take over these operations but lose the influence and benefits Wagner brings the Kremlin.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.

Background to the Sudan Crisis

The crisis in Sudan has been a long time in coming with rival generals repeatedly undermining the country’s democratic transition in pursuit of their political interests. In the process, they have stymied the democratic aspirations of millions of Sudanese, deepened the country’s economic contraction, and heightened Sudan’s vulnerability to the influence of malign external actors. Joseph Siegle talks to VOA's Africa News Tonight.

African Shifts: Addressing Climate-Forced Migration & Displacement

Recommended research   published by The Africa Climate Mobility Initiative on April 4, 2023

By midcentury, climate impacts could drive up to 100 million Africans to migrate within their countries or regionally. Despite speeding urbanization, climate impacts will also force up to 4.2 million people out of coastal cities.