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Navigating the Competing Interests of Regional Actors in South Sudan

Spotlight   published by Luka Kuol on May 29, 2018

English | Français | العربية Regional considerations have always played a prominent role in South Sudan’s security landscape. Indeed, the country was born from a regional fissure between what are today Sudan and South Sudan. This schism has been subsequently shaped and influenced to varying degrees by all of South Sudan’s neighbors. These dynamics have... Continue Reading

Taming the Dominant Gun Class in South Sudan

Spotlight   published by Majak D’Agoôt on May 29, 2018

A “gun class”—the fusion of security leaders with political power, class, and ethnicity—is at the heart of the predatory governance system that has taken root in South Sudan. Changing this trajectory will require redefining the roles of political and security actors.

African Militant Islamist Groups Again on the Rise

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 27, 2018

Violent events linked to militant Islamist groups in Africa rose by 38 percent over the past year. All major groups show an increase in activity.

Africa’s Most Challenging Elections in 2018

Spotlight   published by Dorina Bekoe on February 16, 2018

Twenty countries in Africa will hold national elections in 2018. This analysis reviews countries facing unique challenges to holding peaceful elections on the continent.

The G5 Sahel Joint Force Gains Traction

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on February 9, 2018

The G5 Sahel is ramping up its joint security force in order to address the growing threat posed by militant Islamist groups in the Sahel. The Force is emerging as a focal point for transnational security efforts in the region.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

Program materials for the Africa Center's 2017 Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar. Click here for syllabus, bios, readings, and slides.

Peacekeeping Crucial for African Stability

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 8, 2017

Despite their shortcomings, African peace operations have saved lives, built security sector capacity, and helped mitigate conflict—reducing pressure on international actors to become directly involved.

LTC Jean-Baptiste Matton

As senior French representative, Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Baptiste Matton serves as a liaison between the Africa Center and the French Ministry of Defense, coordinating exchanges on security-related Africa policy and scholarship. He also serves as a facilitator and speaker at Africa Center academic programs.

A Path to Justice in South Sudan

Spotlight   published by Kate Almquist Knopf on July 1, 2017

Proposed justice measures in South Sudan—including the Hybrid Court—can be pursued despite disruptions in the implementation of the peace agreement.

Criminality in Africa’s Fishing Industry: A Threat to Human Security

Africa Security Brief No. 33   published by André Standing on June 6, 2017

Conflicts of interest within Africa's fisheries sector enable unsustainable exploitation by foreign fishing firms and undercut the political will needed to build more robust surveillance and prosecutorial capacity.