World Cup Dreams Shape Africa’s National Narratives
Since Egypt’s appearance in the inaugural 1930 World Cup, African countries’ performance in the tournament has been a source of pride and national identity.
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Since Egypt’s appearance in the inaugural 1930 World Cup, African countries’ performance in the tournament has been a source of pride and national identity.
The growing share of Africa's urban residents living in slums is creating a further source of fragility. However, integrated urban development strategies that link local government, police, the private sector, and youth are strengthening social cohesion and enhancing stability.
Twenty countries in Africa will hold national elections in 2018. This analysis reviews countries facing unique challenges to holding peaceful elections on the continent.
Zimbabwe's recent political crisis has provided a lens into the challenges many African countries face in transitioning from their founding liberation movement political structures to genuine, participatory democracies.
Cameroon's two-year-old national crisis threatens the country's very foundations, says scholar Christopher Fomunyoh. In this video, Fomunyoh discusses the nature and causes of the grievances that brought this crisis to a head, as well as recommendations for addressing them.
Calls for African countries to withdraw from the ICC overlooked the strong role Africa had in establishing the Rome Statute and the ongoing support the Court retains on the continent.
Program materials for the Africa Center's 2017 Security Governance Initiative: Partners Seminar. Click here for syllabus, bios, readings, and slides.
Drug trafficking is a major transnational threat in Africa that converges with other illicit activities ranging from money laundering to human trafficking and terrorism.
The decision by the Court to nullify the results of the presidential election reflects the importance of independent institutions to legitimacy and stability in Africa.
As the Kenyan electoral campaign headed into the homestretch, prospects for violence were mixed. The Africa Center’s Dorina Bekoe offers an assessment.
Examples from Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania offer lessons of how ethical leadership is central to maintaining public trust in the security sector and ultimately preserving stability and peace.
ECOWAS leadership in the Gambia crisis offers lessons for future regional security cooperation in Africa.