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Lost Opportunity in Zimbabwe

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on August 13, 2018

The violence in the aftermath of Zimbabwe’s elections and ongoing disputes over their credibility undercut the goal of establishing legitimacy for the post-Mugabe government.

Presidential Elections in Mali: A Step toward Stabilizing a Weak State

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 25, 2018

Mali faces multiple security challenges that demand both strengthened legitimacy and state capacity to address. Building on credible elections, stabilization will also require reconciliation and extending the presence of the state.

Reform and Renewal in Zimbabwe or More of the Same?

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on June 28, 2018

Multiple possible scenarios could emerge from Zimbabwe’s July 30 polls—the country’s first without Robert Mugabe’s name on the ballot. For now, the military appears intent on leveraging its interests.

From Urban Fragility to Urban Stability

Africa Security Brief No. 35   published by Stephen Commins on June 12, 2018

The growing share of Africa's urban residents living in slums is creating a further source of fragility. However, integrated urban development strategies that link local government, police, the private sector, and youth are strengthening social cohesion and enhancing stability.

When Peace Agreements Fail: Lessons from Lesotho, Burundi, and DRC

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on April 30, 2018

Conflicts in Africa often reflect a breakdown of peace agreements that have been methodically dismantled by politicians intent on evading checks on power while oversight is weak. Vigilance is vital as early progress is not a guarantee of long-term success.

Why Justice Matters for Security

Spotlight   published by Godfrey Musila on April 20, 2018

Security encompasses much more than the deployment of armed forces. Effective judicial and quasi-judicial institutions serve as an important means of defusing societal conflicts and provide a check on a state's use of coercive force.

Five Issues to Watch as Zimbabwe’s Transition Unfolds

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 16, 2017

With the resignation of President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe enters a new political era—one without the only leader the country has known since independence in 1980. Here are five strategic considerations to follow.

Ethical African Leaders Champion Reforms, Set New Standards

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on October 31, 2017

Reforms in Africa’s security sector require leaders with vision and the ability to persevere against inevitable resistance. Vignettes of African leaders who championed reforms demonstrate how these actions advance stability and increase public trust.

A Medley of Armed Groups Play on Congo’s Crisis

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 25, 2017

The DRC’s political crisis has galvanized and revived many of the estimated 70 armed groups currently active in the country, making the nexus between political and sectarian violence by armed militias a key feature of the DRC’s political instability.

Three Takeaways from the Kenya Supreme Court Ruling

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 1, 2017

The decision by the Court to nullify the results of the presidential election reflects the importance of independent institutions to legitimacy and stability in Africa.