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الحواف الهشة للمغرب الكبير

أنور بوخرص هو باحث غير مقيم في برنامج الشرق الأوسط لمؤسسة كارنيجي للسلام الدولي وأستاذ مساعد في العلاقات الدولية في كلية ماكدانيال في وستمنستر، ميريلاند.

Militant Islamist Groups in Africa Show Resiliency over Past Decade

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 28, 2018

A time-lapse review of violent episodes involving militant Islamist groups in African since 2010 provides insights into the evolution of these actors over the course of this decade.

World Cup Dreams Shape Africa’s National Narratives

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 28, 2018

Since Egypt’s appearance in the inaugural 1930 World Cup, African countries’ performance in the tournament has been a source of pride and national identity.

The Maghreb’s Fragile Edges

Africa Security Brief No. 34   published by Anouar Boukhars on March 19, 2018

Persistent economic and social disparities between urban centers and outlying communities present an ongoing source of instability for countries in the Maghreb.

Dynamics of African Economic Migration

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 15, 2017

Driven by a confluence of poverty, corruption, and poor governance, African economic migration has created a lucrative market for human smuggling that is funding regional criminal networks.

Map of Africa’s Militant Islamist Groups

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 26, 2017

A review of militant Islamist group activity in Africa over the past year reveals considerable variation and a geographic concentration.

ISIS’s Future in Africa after Iraq and Syria

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 20, 2017

ISIS has affirmed its intention to expand operations into Africa, but a review of militant group activity on the continent suggests that it will be challenged to do so.

ISIS in Africa: Implications from Syria and Iraq

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on March 17, 2017

As ISIS’s influence and territorial control in the Arab world have waned, so too have its reputation and ideological appeal in Africa, writes the Africa Center’s Joseph Siegle.

The Evolution of Militant Islamist Group Activity in Africa 2010–2016

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 10, 2017

The geographic spread and frequency of violent events linked to militant Islamist groups in Africa has expanded steadily since 2010, with a peak in 2015. Eight African countries now regularly face attacks by an assortment of militant Islamist groups.