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Security Topics

Africa’s security environment is characterized by great diversity. To help readers keep pace with these often fluid issues, the Africa Center curates a regularly updated list of “must-read” analyses. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent an endorsement by the Africa Center.


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Confronting Terrorism in Tunisia

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 22, 2015

The shootings of tourists on a beach in the Tunisian resort town of Sousse is the second such attack since the March 18 assault on Bardo Museum in the capital city. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) once again asserted responsibility for the attack that claimed 39 lives and injured 36, mostly foreigners.... Continue Reading

Assessing the Terrorist Attack in Tunisia

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 23, 2015

The deadly terrorist attack on the Bardo museum in Tunisia on March 18 turned the global spotlight on this North African nation, which has made significant strides in consolidating democracy since its long-serving ruler, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was ousted from power in January 2011.

Assessing Drivers of Violent Conflict in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 23, 2014

Speaking at the start of a four-day seminar titled, “Africa’s Contemporary Security Challenges” hosted by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, Dr. Paul Williams, an Associate Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Security Policy Studies Program at George Washington University delivered a far-reaching overview of key drivers of violent conflict in Africa. The... Continue Reading

A Review of Africa Center Research on Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on April 2, 2014

As the terrorist threat continues to evolve in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, the Africa Center through its various programs continues to bring together African, American and European civilian and military professionals to discuss its dimensions and possible solutions. Countering violent extremism On February 24–27, 2014, the Africa Center convened African Union (AU), United States... Continue Reading

Peace Operations in Africa: Lessons Learned Since 2000

Africa Security Brief No. 25   published by Paul D. Williams on July 31, 2013

The achievements and shortcomings of peacekeeping operations offer vital lessons for optimizing this increasingly central but still evolving tool.

Ask the Expert: Dr. Hussein Solomon on Radical Islamism in Africa

Spotlight   published by Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 19, 2013

In this edition of Ask the Expert, Dr. Hussein Solomon, a leading expert on militant Islam and counterterrorism strategies in Africa—who lectures at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of the Free State in South Africa—assesses the state of fundamentalism on the continent.

Islamic Militancy in Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 23   published by Terje Østebø on November 30, 2012

The rise in Islamic militancy in the Sahel, northern Nigeria, and the Horn of Africa has elevated attention to this evolving security concern. Hopes that Africa’s historically moderate interpretations of Islam would suffice to filter extremist views from gaining meaningful traction seem increasingly misplaced. More generally, understanding of this unconventional security challenge is often based more on speculation than informed assessment. Responses must avoid conflating distinct Islamist actors while addressing local level perceptions of disaffection and under-representation that underpin support for militants.

Boko Haram’s Evolving Threat

Africa Security Brief No. 20   published by J. Peter Pham on April 30, 2012

Support for Boko Haram among some of northern Nigeria’s marginalized Muslim communities suggests that security actions alone will be insufficient to quell the instability.