Atelier d’élaboration de stratégie de sécurité nationale : Afrique centrale et australe
April 8–12 avril 2019
Gaborone, Botswana
Program Documents
Schedule / Calendrier du programme: English | Français | Português
Syllabus / Guide pédagogique: English | Français | Português
Bios: English | Français | Português
Case Studies / Études de cas: English & Français
Module 1: Strategic Leadership
Session 1: Conceptual Evolution of Security and Strategy in Central and Southern Africa
Séance 1: Évolution conceptuelle de la sécurité et de la stratégie
Reading / Lectures
- Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, National Security Policies, SSR Backgrounder Series (Geneva: DCAF, 2015).
- Aeby, M., 2018, Peace and Security Challenges in Southern Africa: Governance Deficits and Lacklustre Regional Conflict Management, Policy Note No. 4:2018, Nordiska.
- World Bank, 2011, World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development. Open Knowledge Repository. Page 8-15, 45-48
Session 2: National Security Leadership in Africa
Séance 2: Leadership de la sécurité nationale en Afrique
Reading / Lectures
- Eckert, R. and Rweyongoze, S., 2015. Leadership Development in Africa: A Focus on Strengths. White Paper. Center for Creative Leadership.
- Ouédraogo, E., 2014. Advancing military professionalism in Africa. Africa Research Paper No. 6. Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2014. Also available in French.
- Detzner, S., 2017. “Modern post-conflict security sector reform in Africa: Patterns of success and failure”. African Security Review Vol 26(2) pp: 116-142.
Session 3: Key Elements of National Security Development (NSSD) Process I
Séance 3: Éléments clés de la stratégie de sécurité nationale Procédé I
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Module 2: Strategic Approaches
Session 4: Key Elements of National Security Development (NSSD) Process II
Séance 4: Éléments clés de la stratégie de sécurité nationale Procédé I
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Session 5: National Security Strategy Document
Séance 5: Document de la stratégie de sécurité nationale
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Module 3: Strategic Approaches
Session 6: Resources for National Security Strategy
Séance 6: Ressources de la stratégie de sécurité nationale
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Session 7: Implementation of National Security Strategy
Séance 7: Mise en place de la stratégie de sécurité nationale
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Session 8: Oversight Mechanisms and Institutions
Séance 8: Mécanismes et institutions de surveillance
Reading / Lectures
- Cancian, M., Schaus, J., Shah, H. and Hopkins, A., 2017. Formulating National Security Strategy: Past Experience and Future Choices. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
- Caudle, S., 2009. National Security Strategies: Security from what, for Whom, and by What Means. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Vol. 6(1): pp: 1-26).
- Stolberg, A., 2012. How Nation-States Craft “National Security Strategy Documents.” Carlisle: US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI). Page 8-17, 11-125.
Other Documents / D’autres documents
National Security Strategy Development: Case Studies (Working Drafts)
L’élaboration d’une stratégie de sécurité nationale : études de cas (avant-projet)
- Burkina Faso: English | Français
- Côte d’Ivoire: English | Français
- Liberia: English | Français
- Madagascar: English | Français
- Senegal/Sénégal: English | Français
- South Sudan/Soudan du Sud: English | Français