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ISIS’s Future in Africa after Iraq and Syria

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 20, 2017

ISIS has affirmed its intention to expand operations into Africa, but a review of militant group activity on the continent suggests that it will be challenged to do so.

ISIS in Africa: Implications from Syria and Iraq

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on March 17, 2017

As ISIS’s influence and territorial control in the Arab world have waned, so too have its reputation and ideological appeal in Africa, writes the Africa Center’s Joseph Siegle.

Africa’s Pastoralists: A New Battleground for Terrorism

Spotlight   published by Kaley Fulton and Benjamin P. Nickels on January 11, 2017

Islamist terrorist groups in the Sahel and Sahara are attempting to exploit pastoralist grievances to mobilize greater support for their agenda, write Kaley Fulton and Benjamin Nickels.

The Evolution of Militant Islamist Group Activity in Africa 2010–2016

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 10, 2017

The geographic spread and frequency of violent events linked to militant Islamist groups in Africa has expanded steadily since 2010, with a peak in 2015. Eight African countries now regularly face attacks by an assortment of militant Islamist groups.

Map of Africa’s Active Militant Islamist Groups

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 16, 2016

A review of militant Islamist group activity in Africa over the past year reveals considerable variation and a geographic concentration of most of these actors.

The Islamic State’s West Africa Province

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on August 25, 2016

Dr. Raymond Gilpin discusses how Boko Haram has evolved since it pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in March 2015.

Governance, Accountability, and Security in Nigeria

Africa Security Brief No. 31   published by Oluwakemi Okenyodo on June 21, 2016

Most of Nigeria's security threats require security forces—especially police—that are well-governed, respected, and have effective oversight mechanisms.

The Evolution of African Peacekeeping

Spotlight   published by Michael D. Rettig on May 26, 2016

Africa currently hosts over 100,000 peacekeeping personnel. Contributions by African nations are rising and are more diversified—with some big exceptions.

Map of Africa’s Active Militant Islamist Groups

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 9, 2016

A review of militant Islamist group activity in Africa over the past year reveals considerable variation in the groups involved. Most are locally focused even if they have declared an allegiance to a global terrorist network. Activity has also been confined to a relatively few, concentrated areas on the continent. This map details the trends.

Resolving Africa’s Conflicts: Toward an African Model of Peace Operations

Event page   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 21, 2016

Africa's fast changing conflict environments compel new thinking on effective strategies for building peace. African leaders and institutions have stepped into this political and operational space to produce the contours of a unique model of African peace operations, suited to the challenges and constraints facing the continent today. The Africa Center held a public roundtable to discuss the implications of Africa's new conflict environment on peacebuilding, the African Standby Forces, and the international community.

Terrorists Strike Burkina Faso: What are the Implications?

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 25, 2016

The terrorist attack on a luxury hotel in Ouagadougou is the second time in recent months that groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have conducted attacks of this type outside their base area. Benjamin Nickels assesses the significance of these attacks and steps that might be taken by Burkinabé authorities and their partners to address future threats.