African Parliamentarians’ Forum 2021: Oversight of the Security Sector
A series of four webinars and discussion sessions for African parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to examine security sector issues and the tools of oversight.
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A series of four webinars and discussion sessions for African parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to examine security sector issues and the tools of oversight.
A webinar hosted by the Africa Center to: (1) Assess and expand understanding of the ways in which recent African Union-mandated or African Union-authorized peace operations have evolved to meet dynamic security challenges on the continent in recent years. (2) Assess and expand understanding of the ways in which recent African Union-mandated or African Union-authorized peace operations have met or failed to meet their strategic objectives. (3) Generate ideas, suggestions, and recommendations for how to improve the broader African regional security architecture based on these insights.
Program materials for the Africa Center's webinar, "Women in African Peace and Security: Where Do Policy and Practice Stand?" on Thursday, November 19, 2020
Africa's rapidly evolving maritime security environment has prompted innovations in Africa's maritime security architecture, leading to greater regional coordination.
Program materials for the Africa Center's 2019 program, “National Security Strategy Development Workshop: Central and Southern Africa.” Click here for syllabus, readings, and presentation slides.
As Cyril Ramaphosa replaces Jacob Zuma as leader of the ANC, much remains to be decided on the future trajectory of the party and the country. Here are four issues to watch.
Zimbabwe's recent political crisis has provided a lens into the challenges many African countries face in transitioning from their founding liberation movement political structures to genuine, participatory democracies.
Nordic countries' decades-long peace and security engagement in Africa has centered on African interests, long-term partnerships, and building African capacity.
Despite their shortcomings, African peace operations have saved lives, built security sector capacity, and helped mitigate conflict—reducing pressure on international actors to become directly involved.
While discussions of security cooperation often focus assistance from wealthy countries, intra-African assistance has become a major focus of multilateral efforts in crisis management and stabilization.
Africa currently hosts over 100,000 peacekeeping personnel. Contributions by African nations are rising and are more diversified—with some big exceptions.
As violent conflicts emerge across the continent, African institutions are increasingly called on to respond. This roundtable featured contributing authors of the newly released book Minding the Gap: African Conflict Management in a Time of Change, who offered insights and recommendations on African-led efforts at conflict management and challenges facing African countries and their external partners.