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African Lessons in Cyber Strategy

Spotlight   published by Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola and Nate D.F. Allen on March 8, 2022

To address a growing array of cyber threats and challenges, African governments need to adopt cybersecurity strategies that foster collaboration and trust between security, civilian, and private sector stakeholders.

African Parliamentarians Forum 2022: Pathways to Democratic Security Governance

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program for African parliamentarians and their staff to analyze current trends, challenges, and innovations in the work of legislatures to foster democratic and civilian control of security sectors across the continent. Tools and techniques to bolster parliamentary oversight, accountability, and outreach efforts on defense and security are discussed throughout.

Deluge of Digital Repression Threatens African Security

Spotlight   published by Nathaniel Allen and Catherine Lena Kelly on January 4, 2022

African governments are using the pretext of security to restrict digital communications and citizens’ rights. In the process, they are inadvertently contributing to economic losses and greater instability.

Climate Variability and Irregular Migration to the European Union

Recommended research   published by Fabien Cottier and Idean Salehyan, Global Environmental Change on November 17, 2021

Amid irrational fears that climate change is going to cause a flood of African migration to Europe, there is no evidence that a drought has ever increased such unauthorized migration. Rather, the incidence of drought has tended to exert a negative, albeit moderate, impact on the size of migration flows, in particular for countries dependent on agriculture. Higher levels of rainfall have also not led to increased levels of unauthorized emigration. In short, international migration is cost-prohibitive, and adverse weather shocks reinforce existing financial barriers to migration.

32 Million Africans Forcibly Displaced by Conflict and Repression

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 17, 2021

Africa continues to experience expanding and record levels of forced displacement—a result of predatory governments, political fragmentation, and violent extremist groups.

Chinese Security Firms Spread along the African Belt and Road

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on June 15, 2021

The deployment of Chinese security firms in Africa is expanding without a strong regulatory framework. This poses heightened risks to African citizens and raises fundamental questions over responsibility for security in Africa.

Justice and Rule of Law Key to African Security

Spotlight   published by Catherine Lena Kelly on May 25, 2021

The integration of justice initiatives within conventional security efforts can mitigate conflict, improve societal resilience, and build a stronger culture supportive of the rule of law.

Reshaping African Agency in China-Africa Relations

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on March 2, 2021

The power imbalance between China and Africa poses a challenge for negotiating equitable investment deals. The interests of African citizens can be strengthened through agreements that are transparent, involve experts, and facilitate public engagement.

Taking Stock of African Peace Operations

Program Materials  

A webinar hosted by the Africa Center to: (1) Assess and expand understanding of the ways in which recent African Union-mandated or African Union-authorized peace operations have evolved to meet dynamic security challenges on the continent in recent years. (2) Assess and expand understanding of the ways in which recent African Union-mandated or African Union-authorized peace operations have met or failed to meet their strategic objectives. (3) Generate ideas, suggestions, and recommendations for how to improve the broader African regional security architecture based on these insights.