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African Union Leader Meets with Putin

At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, the chairman of the African Union, Senegal's President Macky Sall, headed to Russia on Friday for talks about the impact of the war in Ukraine on African countries. Both Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of grain to the continent, accounting for over 40% of wheat imports to African countries in recent years, according to the UN. Host Marco Werman spoke with Joseph Siegle, director of research at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies. 

The African Union Wavers between Reform and More of the Same

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on April 19, 2019

The African Union will need to overcome a lack of political will and address structural challenges if it is to be effective in responding to security crises on the continent, consistent with its founding mission.

Why the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Matters

Spotlight   published by Sègnonna Horace Adjolohoun and Paul Nantulya on July 8, 2024

Despite limited enforcement capacity, the African Court provides an avenue for redress when national judiciaries are unable to dispense justice, underscoring its instrumental role in promoting norms and standards of conduct on the continent.

Pan-Africanism Reborn?

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on March 19, 2024

Pan-Africanism's long legacy as a framework for ending colonialism and advancing peace, people-based democracy, and human rights remains as vital as ever for reclaiming citizen agency.

African Migration Trends to Watch in 2024

Infographic   published by Wendy Williams on January 9, 2024

Structural factors continue to drive higher levels of migration within and out of Africa. While this represents a vital source of labor for host countries, irregular migration continues to pose extraordinary risks.

African-Led Peace Operations: A Crucial Tool for Peace and Security

Spotlight   published by Nate D.F. Allen on August 9, 2023

African-led peace operations have been vital tools for managing Africa’s complex array of security challenges, though continued reform is needed to intervene more decisively in the continent’s most devastating conflicts.

The Persistence of Cults of Personality in African Governance

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 14, 2023

African leaders who hold power indefinitely often employ cults of personality to consolidate power, demand personal fealty, and systematically undermine independent governance institutions.

African Biodiversity Loss Raises Risk to Human Security

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 7, 2022

Declines in Africa’s rich ecological biodiversity threaten millions of livelihoods, increased food insecurity, conflicts over land, and transmission of zoonotic diseases that can lead to more pandemics.