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Dr. Catherine Lena Kelly

Bio page
Associate Professor of Justice and Rule of Law. Areas of Expertise: Rule of Law, Democratization and Governance, Stabilization of Fragile States, Preventing Violent Extremism, Program Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, West and Central Africa.


ARP No. 8: Shifting Borders: Africa’s Displacement Crisis and Its Security Implications   published by Wendy Williams on October 17, 2019

Record levels of forced displacement and migration in Africa affecting tens of millions of people are one of the defining challenges facing the continent. Targeting the drivers in these countries will require greater initiative from across the diplomatic, security, and private sectors—in Africa and among international partners. While structural challenges such as population growth and environmental change will require longer term solutions, much can be done to address the short- and medium-term issues by incentivizing better governance and giving higher regional and international priority to negotiating resolutions to ongoing internal conflicts causing the largest surge of displacement. From Africa Center Research Paper No. 8, “Shifting Borders: Africa’s Displacement Crisis and Its Security Implications.”

Securing Legitimate Stability in the DRC: External Assumptions and Local Perspectives

Recommended research   published by Jaïr van der Lijn, Tim Glawion, and Nikki de Zwaan, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on September 30, 2019

Surveys and interviews conducted in South Kivu examine the roles of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC), MONUSCO, as well as NGOs and local militias in facilitating lasting peace. While MONUSCO has assisted the FARDC in stemming the militia threat, Congolese do not see a future for the mission in their communities and express frustration at what they perceive as inadequate responses to their security concerns. Many in conflict-stricken areas see the state as the principal security provider, despite considerable reservations about the FARDC. Phasing out MONUSCO and ensuring continued decentralization through local elections would strengthen the legitimacy of the state and its security forces and promote accountable governance.

Tunisia Crying out for Change

Spotlight   published by Anouar Boukhars on September 27, 2019

The electoral victory by political outsider, Kais Saied, in Tunisia's run-off election reflects both the growing independence of Tunisia's democratic institutions and the pent-up public demands for improved service delivery and redressing social inequities.

Burundi, the Forgotten Crisis, Still Burns

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 24, 2019

Although Nkurunziza has suppressed external reporting on Burundi, the country’s 4-year-old political and humanitarian crisis shows no signs of abating.

Guinea at a Crossroads

Spotlight   published by Alix Boucher on August 15, 2019

After breaking away from decades of autocratic rule, democratic progress in Guinea is now at risk as President Alpha Condé maneuvers to revise the constitution and stay in power for a third term.