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published by Paul Nantulya
on April 6, 2017
China’s expanding involvement in Africa is an integral piece in President Xi Jinping’s grand strategy to restore the country to its perceived rightful place of global prominence.
published by Joseph Siegle
on March 17, 2017
As ISIS’s influence and territorial control in the Arab world have waned, so too have its reputation and ideological appeal in Africa, writes the Africa Center’s Joseph Siegle.
published by Paul Nantulya
on December 7, 2016
While discussions of security cooperation often focus assistance from wealthy countries, intra-African assistance has become a major focus of multilateral efforts in crisis management and stabilization.
published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on October 27, 2016
After years of decline, conflict in Africa has recently been increasing. Paul Williams, Phillip Carter, and Ibrahim Wani provided insight on why conflict persists in Africa at a roundtable hosted by the Africa Center.
published by Princeton Lyman and Kate Almquist Knopf
on July 20, 2016
South Sudan has failed to create the basic institutions of a state, resulting in civil conflict and a massive humanitarian catastrophe. Temporary external administration is required to restore South Sudan’s sovereignty.
published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on June 20, 2016
The vast majority of African refugees are hosted by neighboring countries, highlighting the regional costs of conflict and political instability.
published by Paul Nantulya
on June 8, 2016
African institutional efforts at conflict prevention and mediation have proved instrumental at realizing negotiated settlements.
published by Michael D. Rettig
on May 26, 2016
Africa currently hosts over 100,000 peacekeeping personnel. Contributions by African nations are rising and are more diversified—with some big exceptions.
published by Paul Nantulya
on January 28, 2016
Deployment of regional troops in Burundi may be an indispensable step to create an enabling environment for meaningful peace talks to move forward.
published by Paul Nantulya
on December 21, 2015
“Compatriots, fellow country men and women, Congratulations. With this agreement we have ended the longest war in Africa, 50 years of war out of 55 years of independence. Today, we bring this half a century of war to a dignified end.” The date is January 9, 2005, and the place is Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi,... Continue Reading
published by Joseph Siegle
on December 10, 2015
Africa Center Research Director Joseph Siegle testifies on the political and security crises in Burundi before U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy.
published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on November 12, 2015
To block the spread of recruitment and radicalization in West Africa, African policymakers and their partners should seize the window of opportunity to support preventative measures in as-yet untouched communities.