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Conflict in Africa: Why It Persists

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 27, 2016

After years of decline, conflict in Africa has recently been increasing. Paul Williams, Phillip Carter, and Ibrahim Wani provided insight on why conflict persists in Africa at a roundtable hosted by the Africa Center.

To Save South Sudan, Put It on Life Support

Spotlight   published by Princeton Lyman and Kate Almquist Knopf on July 20, 2016

South Sudan has failed to create the basic institutions of a state, resulting in civil conflict and a massive humanitarian catastrophe. Temporary external administration is required to restore South Sudan’s sovereignty.

Intrastate Conflicts Fuel Refugee Movements

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 20, 2016

The vast majority of African refugees are hosted by neighboring countries, highlighting the regional costs of conflict and political instability.

The Evolution of African Peacekeeping

Spotlight   published by Michael D. Rettig on May 26, 2016

Africa currently hosts over 100,000 peacekeeping personnel. Contributions by African nations are rising and are more diversified—with some big exceptions.

Stopping the Spiral in Burundi

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on January 28, 2016

Deployment of regional troops in Burundi may be an indispensable step to create an enabling environment for meaningful peace talks to move forward.

Mediation: Undervalued, Yet Vital to African Security

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on December 21, 2015

“Compatriots, fellow country men and women, Congratulations. With this agreement we have ended the longest war in Africa, 50 years of war out of 55 years of independence. Today, we bring this half a century of war to a dignified end.” The date is January 9, 2005, and the place is Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi,... Continue Reading

The Political and Security Crises in Burundi

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on December 10, 2015

Africa Center Research Director Joseph Siegle testifies on the political and security crises in Burundi before U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy.

Trajectories of Terrorist & Armed Groups in Africa

Video   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 12, 2015

To block the spread of recruitment and radicalization in West Africa, African policymakers and their partners should seize the window of opportunity to support preventative measures in as-yet untouched communities.

The Africa Center Community

As part of its mission to expand understanding and build enduring partnerships, the Africa Center maintains relationships and builds networks with thousands of alumni and 33 community chapters. Alumni stay in contact with the Center through bilateral programs, research publications, communities of interest, and ongoing exchanges.

African Migration Funds Criminal and Terrorist Networks

Spotlight   published by Wendy Williams on August 13, 2015

The phenomenon of migrants traversing the hostile terrain of northern Africa to Europe is not new—not the routes or the dangers. A decade ago, experts estimated that about 2,000 migrants drowned each year attempting to cross the Mediterranean and untold numbers perished in the desert. But after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime in 2011,... Continue Reading

Security on Obama’s Agenda for East Africa Trip

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 21, 2015

With President Obama traveling to Kenya and Ethiopia this week, the Africa Center’s Dr. Ben Nickels, Chair of Transnational Threats and Counterterrorism, reviews some of the key issues that merit watching. Question: What are the top security priorities that should be on the agenda during President Obama’s visit to Kenya and Ethiopia? NICKELS: The trip... Continue Reading