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China’s United Front Strategy in Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 5, 2023

China’s United Front work co-opts well-placed individuals and organizations to cultivate support for and defend China’s goals and interests while isolating China’s opponents in Africa.

African-Led Peace Operations: A Crucial Tool for Peace and Security

Spotlight   published by Nate D.F. Allen on August 9, 2023

African-led peace operations have been vital tools for managing Africa’s complex array of security challenges, though continued reform is needed to intervene more decisively in the continent’s most devastating conflicts.

Mali Catastrophe Accelerating under Junta Rule

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 10, 2023

The threat of militant Islamist groups is spreading to all parts of Mali as the military junta stakes its claim to stay in power indefinitely.

Decoding Russia’s Economic Engagements in Africa

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on January 6, 2023

While Russia has little to offer Africa economically, the political incentives for Moscow to engage on the continent have only grown stronger following its invasion of Ukraine.

Deepening a Culture of Military Professionalism in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 20, 2022

Creating a culture of military professionalism requires instilling core societal values within all members of the armed forces. Such shared values have a powerful unifying effect on a military, amplifying force cohesion and effectiveness.

China’s Deepening Ties to Africa in Xi Jinping’s Third Term

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on November 29, 2022

Embarking on his third term in power, Xi Jinping is firmly in control of China’s foreign policy, which is expected to accentuate the enlistment of African support for reshaping global institutions and validating China’s governance norms.

Rising Sea Levels Besieging Africa’s Booming Coastal Cities

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 8, 2022

Rising ocean levels threaten dozens of Africa’s rapidly expanding coastal metropolises, resulting in shrinking land area, coastal flooding, more powerful storm surges, and the need for better mitigation.

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Established by the White House in 1998 “to promote the exchange of ideas and information tailored specifically for African concerns.”