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Islamist Extremism in East Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 32   published by Abdisaid M. Ali on August 9, 2016

Abdisaid M. Ali reviews the mainstreaming of Salafist ideology in East Africa and the polarizing impact of this more exclusivist interpretation of Islam.

Getting to the Root of the South Sudan Crisis

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on August 1, 2016

Reestablishing stability in South Sudan will require addressing the fundamental drivers of the recurring conflict. Civilian actors who derive their legitimacy from means other than guns need to be given a voice. This should be complemented by peacemaking processes at the community level, demilitarization at a societal level, and security sector reform countrywide.

To Save South Sudan, Put It on Life Support

Spotlight   published by Princeton Lyman and Kate Almquist Knopf on July 20, 2016

South Sudan has failed to create the basic institutions of a state, resulting in civil conflict and a massive humanitarian catastrophe. Temporary external administration is required to restore South Sudan’s sovereignty.

The Evolution of African Peacekeeping

Spotlight   published by Michael D. Rettig on May 26, 2016

Africa currently hosts over 100,000 peacekeeping personnel. Contributions by African nations are rising and are more diversified—with some big exceptions.

African Role Models in Strategic Leadership

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 11, 2016

Tanzania's Julius Nyerere and Mozambique’s Joaquim Chissano offer notable examples of strategic leadership, showing that leaders must seek accommodation with enemies and have the moral courage to persuade reluctant followers, and that strategic leaders hold themselves to high standards of moral and ethical conduct, ultimately creating an enabling environment for leadership succession.

Building Freedom? Securing Constitutionalism and Civil Liberties in Africa: An Analysis of Evidence from the APRM

Recommended research   published by Terrence Corrigan, South African Institute of International Affairs on March 14, 2016

In 2003, African states formed the African Peer Review Mechanism to voluntarily self-monitor governance. Seventeen countries have undergone comprehensive reviews since then. When cross-checking these results with “free,” “partly free,” and “not free” designations by Freedom House three insights emerge. First, countries with constitutional protections sometimes do not robustly implement them. An independent media and... Continue Reading