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Additional Reading on Environment and Security

Recommended research   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on February 14, 2010

(See more recent readings on this topic here.) Beyond Internal Conflict: The Emergent Practice of Climate Security By Joshua W Busby, Journal of Peace Research, December 28, 2020 Challenges to climate-related security include but are not limited to resource competition, shocks to food security, climate-induced migration, transboundary water management, and unintended consequences from climate policies.... Continue Reading


Africa Center research offers strategic analysis of Africa’s security challenges and practical, evidence-based insights into paths forward.

National Security Strategy Development and Implementation


National Security Strategy Development and Implementation is a one-week program for senior African security sector professionals. This multilateral program provides an opportunity for participants from across the continent to share lessons learned, socialize best practices, and develop key skillsets in support of NSSD within their respective states.

Adapting Peace Operations to Diversified Threats


This project provides a platform to understand how peace operations are adapting to the changed security environments they increasingly deploy to, and how some of these lessons can develop an African-centric counterinsurgency strategy. This particular set of issues is important because successfully negotiating the new security terrain requires new skills at engaging the community stakeholders, revising... Continue Reading

Additional Reading on Police Sector Reform

Recommended research   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 1, 2000

(See more recent readings on this topic here.) Building Police Institutions in Fragile States: Case Studies from Africa By Richard Downe, Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 13, 2013 In sub-Saharan Africa the police sector is often an underperforming institution, typically because of low resources or politicized leadership. The resulting insecurity harms government legitimacy... Continue Reading