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Deepening a Culture of Military Professionalism in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 20, 2022

Creating a culture of military professionalism requires instilling core societal values within all members of the armed forces. Such shared values have a powerful unifying effect on a military, amplifying force cohesion and effectiveness.

Conflict Remains the Dominant Driver of Africa’s Spiraling Food Crisis

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 14, 2022

More than 80 percent of the record 137 million Africans facing acute food insecurity are in conflict-affected countries underscoring that conflict continues to be the primary driver of Africa’s food crisis.

Strengthening Sahelian Counterinsurgency Strategy

Africa Security Brief No. 41   published by Michael Shurkin on July 25, 2022

Adapting Sahelian force structures to lighter, more mobile, and integrated units will better support the population-centric COIN practices needed to reverse the escalating trajectory of violent extremist attacks.

Weapons Losses Fueling Africa’s Militant Groups

Spotlight   published by Eric G. Berman on March 28, 2022

Loss of munitions and other lethal materiel from African armed forces and peace operations is a key factor sustaining militant groups driving instability on the continent.

How Global Warming Threatens Human Security in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 29, 2021

Global warming is contributing to more and extended heat waves, a tripling of droughts, a quadrupling of storms, and a tenfold increase in flooding in Africa since the 1970s—exacerbating security threats on the continent.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation at 21: Where to Next?

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 3, 2021

African countries can negotiate a more equitable role in FOCAC, but this requires a more strategically focused approach, better coordination, and greater accountability to their citizens.

Lessons from a Decade of South Sudanese Statehood

Spotlight   published by Luka Biong Deng Kuol on June 29, 2021

The catastrophic levels of instability that have engulfed South Sudan since 2013 demand a restructuring of governance and security institutions to alter the tragic trajectory of Africa’s youngest state.

Dispelling COVID Vaccine Myths in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 21, 2021

A preponderance of COVID vaccine myths is causing many Africans to forego vaccinations at a time when new, more transmissible coronavirus variants are spreading across the continent.

Six Issues Shaping Côte d’Ivoire’s Presidential Election

Spotlight   published by Alix Boucher on October 20, 2020

Despite commendable progress over the past decade, continued social and political polarization in Côte d’Ivoire could lead to another bout of instability in a country long known as an anchor in West Africa.

Safeguarding Democracy in West Africa

Spotlight   published by Alan Doss on September 29, 2020

West Africa must stand up against the erosion of democracy lest the region return to the devastating conflicts from which it took so much effort and time to recover.