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Defusing the Political Crisis in Guinea

Spotlight   published by Alix Boucher on April 28, 2020

President Alpha Condé’s maneuvers to adopt a new Constitution despite popular opposition are another step toward subverting democratic checks and balances in order to secure a third term as president.

Five Issues to Watch in Togo’s Presidential Election

Spotlight   published by Alix Boucher on February 14, 2020

Popular demand to end the 50-year rule of the Gnassingbé family puts the spotlight on Togo’s authoritarian practices and ECOWAS’s vow to uphold democratic norms.

Dr. Catherine Lena Kelly

Bio page
Associate Professor of Justice and Rule of Law. Areas of Expertise: Rule of Law, Democratization and Governance, Stabilization of Fragile States, Preventing Violent Extremism, Program Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, West and Central Africa.

DRC Election Results Suggest a Rare Chance for Change

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 12, 2019

Civic action has been vital to reach a historic outcome, however, many challenges remain to achieve a genuine democratic transition.

Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Uganda’s Experience

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 28, 2018

In an interview with the Africa Center, Stephen Twebaze says that when MPs govern as representatives rather than political actors, even parliaments dominated by a ruling party can practice effective oversight.

From Urban Fragility to Urban Stability

Africa Security Brief No. 35   published by Stephen Commins on June 12, 2018

The growing share of Africa's urban residents living in slums is creating a further source of fragility. However, integrated urban development strategies that link local government, police, the private sector, and youth are strengthening social cohesion and enhancing stability.