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Building Security in Africa: An Evaluation of U.S. Security Sector Assistance in Africa from the Cold War to the Present

Recommended research   published by Stephen Watts et al, RAND Report on December 31, 2018

The impact of U.S. security sector assistance (SSA) in Africa on political violence, particularly on civil war, insurgencies, terrorist attacks, and state repression has rarely been evaluated. A statistical analysis reveals that SSA has a had a mixed record, likely exacerbating instability during the Cold War, but having little net effect since. Governments have been unable to sustain the capabilities developed and to harness them into effective political militaries. When SSA is coupled with peacekeeping operations however, it diminishes the likelihood of political violence.

Managing Security Resources in Africa / Gestion des ressources de sécurité en Afrique

Program Materials  

Professional Development Symposium / Symposium sur le développement professionnel January 15–17 janvier 2019Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Éthiopie Schedule / Guide pedagogique / Programa: English | Français | Português Syllabus / Programme / Program de Estudos: English | Français | Português Bios: English | Français | Português Overview / Aperçu Presented by / présenté par : Luka... Continue Reading

Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Uganda’s Experience

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 28, 2018

In an interview with the Africa Center, Stephen Twebaze says that when MPs govern as representatives rather than political actors, even parliaments dominated by a ruling party can practice effective oversight.

A Emergência do Extremismo Violento no Norte de Moçambique

A emergência de um novo grupo militante islâmico no norte de Moçambique cria várias preocupações sobre a influência da ideologia jihadista internacional, marginalização social e económica das comunidades muçulmanas locais e uma forte reação em termos de segurança.

Africa Center Alumnus Gen. Lamine Cissé Honored

The town of Sokone, Senegal, has named a street after General (ret.) Lamine Cissé to honor the esteemed Africa Center alumnus. Regarded as one the Senegal’s most admired and dedicated leaders, General Cissé is the President of the Africa Center’s Alumni Chapter in Senegal. “General Cisse is one of the first military leaders to advocate... Continue Reading

Uganda Chapter Examines Peace Support Operations

The Uganda Community Chapter of the Africa Center, established in 2004, and the Africa Center for Strategic Studies held a joint symposium in August 2017 on “Peace Support Operations in a Terrorist Environment: Lessons Learned.” Lieutenant General Ivan Koreta, former Deputy Chief of Defense of the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) and current Member of... Continue Reading

Africa Lags in Protections against Human Trafficking

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 27, 2018

Trafficking in persons has become a multibillion dollar business in Africa that African governments have been slow to address.

Presidential Elections in Mali: A Step toward Stabilizing a Weak State

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 25, 2018

Mali faces multiple security challenges that demand both strengthened legitimacy and state capacity to address. Building on credible elections, stabilization will also require reconciliation and extending the presence of the state.

Factional Dynamics within Boko Haram

Recommended research   published by Omar S Mahmood and Ndubuisi Christian Ani on July 6, 2018

In August 2016, Boko Haram split as a result of the internal divisions surrounding the succession of militant Abubakar Shekau as leader of the group, and a debate over whether Muslim civilians can be targeted.

Militant Islamist Groups in Africa Show Resiliency over Past Decade

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 28, 2018

A time-lapse review of violent episodes involving militant Islamist groups in African since 2010 provides insights into the evolution of these actors over the course of this decade.