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Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

A two-week program held in June 2022 for mid-level African security sector professionals who are emerging leaders within their fields. With an emphasis on peer-to-peer exchanges, this seminar embodies the Africa Center’s mission to advance African security by expanding understanding, providing a trusted platform for dialogue, building enduring partnerships, and catalyzing strategic solutions.

Mapping Disinformation in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 26, 2022

Russia has pioneered a model of disinformation to gain political influence in Africa that is now being replicated by other actors across the continent.

Weapons Losses Fueling Africa’s Militant Groups

Spotlight   published by Eric G. Berman on March 28, 2022

Loss of munitions and other lethal materiel from African armed forces and peace operations is a key factor sustaining militant groups driving instability on the continent.

Professional Military Education Institutions in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on February 25, 2022

Professional military education institutions aim to foster capable and apolitical militaries to uphold the constitution and serve democratically elected civilian leaders. To do so, however, they must be grounded in a culture that reinforces these values.

Africa’s Complex 2022 Elections: Restoring Democratic Processes

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Candace Cook on January 11, 2022

Responding to the coups, conflicts, and other derailments of democratic processes in recent years, Africa’s 2022 elections are, in large part, an effort to right the democratic ship of state on the continent.

Deluge of Digital Repression Threatens African Security

Spotlight   published by Nathaniel Allen and Catherine Lena Kelly on January 4, 2022

African governments are using the pretext of security to restrict digital communications and citizens’ rights. In the process, they are inadvertently contributing to economic losses and greater instability.

Africa’s Coups and the Role of External Actors

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on December 17, 2021

The recent rise in coups in Africa reflects a waning regional and international willingness to enforce anti-coup norms. Reversing the trend requires incentivizing democracy and consistently imposing real costs on coup makers.

How Global Warming Threatens Human Security in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 29, 2021

Global warming is contributing to more and extended heat waves, a tripling of droughts, a quadrupling of storms, and a tenfold increase in flooding in Africa since the 1970s—exacerbating security threats on the continent.

Domestic Disinformation on the Rise in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 6, 2021

A growing trend of domestic political actors deploying targeted disinformation schemes requires expanded fact-checking capacity in Africa and collaboration with social media organizations.