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From Urban Fragility to Urban Stability

Africa Security Brief No. 35   published by Stephen Commins on June 12, 2018

The growing share of Africa's urban residents living in slums is creating a further source of fragility. However, integrated urban development strategies that link local government, police, the private sector, and youth are strengthening social cohesion and enhancing stability.

Five Issues to Watch as Zimbabwe’s Transition Unfolds

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 16, 2017

With the resignation of President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe enters a new political era—one without the only leader the country has known since independence in 1980. Here are five strategic considerations to follow.

A Medley of Armed Groups Play on Congo’s Crisis

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 25, 2017

The DRC’s political crisis has galvanized and revived many of the estimated 70 armed groups currently active in the country, making the nexus between political and sectarian violence by armed militias a key feature of the DRC’s political instability.

Wisdom from Africa on Ethical Leadership

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on May 9, 2017

Examples from Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania offer lessons of how ethical leadership is central to maintaining public trust in the security sector and ultimately preserving stability and peace.

Emerging Patterns of Intra-African Security Assistance

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on December 7, 2016

While discussions of security cooperation often focus assistance from wealthy countries, intra-African assistance has become a major focus of multilateral efforts in crisis management and stabilization.

Different Recipes, One Dish: Evading Term Limits in Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on July 28, 2016

Term-limit advocates are not framing their struggles within the context of Western norms. Rather, it is seen as an African normative framework that is being violated by the continent’s leaders.

African Role Models in Strategic Leadership

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 11, 2016

Tanzania's Julius Nyerere and Mozambique’s Joaquim Chissano offer notable examples of strategic leadership, showing that leaders must seek accommodation with enemies and have the moral courage to persuade reluctant followers, and that strategic leaders hold themselves to high standards of moral and ethical conduct, ultimately creating an enabling environment for leadership succession.

The Africa Center Community

As part of its mission to expand understanding and build enduring partnerships, the Africa Center maintains relationships and builds networks with thousands of alumni and 33 community chapters. Alumni stay in contact with the Center through bilateral programs, research publications, communities of interest, and ongoing exchanges.

Africa Center’s Assis Malaquias Recognized for Work on Maritime Security

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 30, 2015

The U.S. Department of State has honored the Africa Center’s Dr. Assis Malaquias with an award recognizing his unique contributions in advancing maritime security efforts in Africa. Dr. Malaquias has been leading the Africa Center’s maritime security portfolio since 2009. In this capacity he has facilitated numerous discussions with African governments and Regional Economic Communities... Continue Reading