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Reexamining the Effect of Refugees on Civil Conflict: A Global Subnational Analysis

Recommended research   published by Yang-Yang Zhou and Andrew Shaver, Cambridge University Press on June 21, 2021

Global data from 1990 to 2018 show no evidence that hosting refugees increases the likelihood of new conflict, prolongs existing conflict, or even raises the number of violent events or casualties. In fact, in many cases, hosting refugees can encourage local development and even conflict reduction. Host governments should prioritize local development that benefits both refugees and host communities, as seen in countries like Uganda.

32 Million Africans Forcibly Displaced by Conflict and Repression

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 17, 2021

Africa continues to experience expanding and record levels of forced displacement—a result of predatory governments, political fragmentation, and violent extremist groups.

Chinese Security Firms Spread along the African Belt and Road

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on June 15, 2021

The deployment of Chinese security firms in Africa is expanding without a strong regulatory framework. This poses heightened risks to African citizens and raises fundamental questions over responsibility for security in Africa.

Lessons for Africa from India’s Deadly COVID Surge

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 28, 2021

The surge in COVID-19 cases in India, spurred by a more transmissible variant and complacency, provides a stark warning to African populations to remain vigilant to contain the pandemic.

Dispelling COVID Vaccine Myths in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 21, 2021

A preponderance of COVID vaccine myths is causing many Africans to forego vaccinations at a time when new, more transmissible coronavirus variants are spreading across the continent.

Russia’s Strategic Goals in Africa

While Russia’s engagements in Africa are often viewed as opportunistic, in the space of a few years Moscow has been able to gain a foothold in the southern Mediterranean, become a powerbroker in geographically strategic countries, and undermine democratic norms on the continent.

Chad’s Ongoing Instability, the Legacy of Idriss Déby

Spotlight   published by Daniel Eizenga on May 3, 2021

Idriss Déby’s death is an outcome of the ongoing instability perpetuated by his regime. The subsequent military coup d’état led by the late president’s son risks deepening political violence in this geographically strategic country.

African Youth Engaging in Peace and Security

Spotlight   published by Peter Biar Ajak on April 29, 2021

Despite challenges of unemployment, corruption, entrenched political leadership, and political violence, many African youth have found constructive avenues to promote peace, effective governance, and reform.

National Security Strategy Development (NSSD) and Implementation

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program on the development and implementation of national security strategy in Africa. This program will provide a forum for a multidisciplinary group of senior officials to explore National Security Strategy Development (NSSD) concepts and processes.

National Security Strategy Development Process: Lessons Learned

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program on the development and implementation of national security strategy in Africa. This program will provide a forum for a multidisciplinary group of senior officials to explore National Security Strategy Development (NSSD) concepts and processes.

Food Insecurity Crisis Mounting in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on February 16, 2021

Acute food insecurity in Africa has increased by over 60 percent in the past year and threatens to widen further as the effects of COVID-19 exacerbate other drivers such as conflict and political mismanagement.