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Collaborative Policing and Negotiating Urban Order in Abidjan

Africa Security Brief No. 40   published by Maxime Ricard and Kouamé Félix Grodji on November 9, 2021

Community-based security groups are emerging in African cities in response to rising crime and overstretched police forces. Experience from Abidjan shows that collaboration with the police, avoiding coercive tactics, and retaining citizen oversight councils are key to the effectiveness of these groups.

Party Militias — A Threat to Security and Military Professionalism

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 2, 2021

Ruling party militias in Africa are an increasingly employed tool to intimidate political rivals and keep populations in check—violating democratic rights and undercutting military professionalism.

How Global Warming Threatens Human Security in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 29, 2021

Global warming is contributing to more and extended heat waves, a tripling of droughts, a quadrupling of storms, and a tenfold increase in flooding in Africa since the 1970s—exacerbating security threats on the continent.

Domestic Disinformation on the Rise in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 6, 2021

A growing trend of domestic political actors deploying targeted disinformation schemes requires expanded fact-checking capacity in Africa and collaboration with social media organizations.

Walking Back the Coup in Guinea

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Daniel Eizenga on September 17, 2021

Recognition of the coup in Guinea would incentivize future military interventions. Yet, simply reinstating President Alpha Condé would not restore democracy. Several possible paths could be followed to return Guinea to constitutional order.

Presidential Term Limits Key to Democratic Progress and Security in Africa

Term limit norms in Africa have been deteriorating rapidly since 2015, reversing a positive trend over the previous two decades. This trend has important implications since longer presidential tenures are linked to increased corruption, reduced civil liberties, and higher rates of conflict. Even after term limit restrictions have been lifted, there is a pattern of incumbents manipulating electoral outcomes to stay in power. This reflects the declining popularity of these leaders and points to the self-interested motivations for their extended tenures vis-à-vis broader service to the public. It further highlights that the evasion of term limits does not happen in isolation but is part of a broader pattern of undermining the rule of law and weakening democratic institutions. Failure to reverse the downturn in respect for term limits risks bringing Africa back to an era of de facto “presidents for life” and one-party states.


Topic in Focus   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 13, 2021

A selection of Africa Center analysis of the ongoing security challenges in the Sahel, current security responses, and priorities for establishing peace and stability.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation at 21: Where to Next?

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 3, 2021

African countries can negotiate a more equitable role in FOCAC, but this requires a more strategically focused approach, better coordination, and greater accountability to their citizens.

Drones and Violent Nonstate Actors in Africa

Spotlight   published by Karen Allen on August 6, 2021

The risk of militarization of drone technology in Africa represents a new asymmetric tool that violent nonstate groups may deploy to extend the reach of their coercion, reshaping the African battlefield.

Presidential Term Limits Key to Democratic Progress and Security in Africa

Recommended research   published by Joseph Siegle and Candace Cook on July 31, 2021

Term limit norms in Africa have been deteriorating rapidly since 2015, reversing a positive trend over the previous two decades. This trend has important implications since longer presidential tenures are linked to increased corruption, reduced civil liberties, and higher rates of conflict. Even after term limit restrictions have been lifted, there is a pattern of... Continue Reading