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Dr. Émile Ouédraogo

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Assistant Research Fellow. Areas of Expertise: National Security Strategy Development, Security Sector Governance, Military Professionalism.

Enhancing Maritime Security

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 23, 2018

The latest Africa Center Maritime Security program examined the Seychelles' approach to combatting criminality on the seas and lessons for other maritime states in Africa.

Africa’s Most Challenging Elections in 2018

Spotlight   published by Dorina Bekoe on February 16, 2018

Twenty countries in Africa will hold national elections in 2018. This analysis reviews countries facing unique challenges to holding peaceful elections on the continent.

Criminality in Africa’s Fishing Industry: A Threat to Human Security

Africa Security Brief No. 33   published by André Standing on June 6, 2017

Conflicts of interest within Africa's fisheries sector enable unsustainable exploitation by foreign fishing firms and undercut the political will needed to build more robust surveillance and prosecutorial capacity.

Islamist Extremism in East Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 32   published by Abdisaid M. Ali on August 9, 2016

Abdisaid M. Ali reviews the mainstreaming of Salafist ideology in East Africa and the polarizing impact of this more exclusivist interpretation of Islam.

Mediation: Undervalued, Yet Vital to African Security

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on December 21, 2015

“Compatriots, fellow country men and women, Congratulations. With this agreement we have ended the longest war in Africa, 50 years of war out of 55 years of independence. Today, we bring this half a century of war to a dignified end.” The date is January 9, 2005, and the place is Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi,... Continue Reading

The Africa Center Community

As part of its mission to expand understanding and build enduring partnerships, the Africa Center maintains relationships and builds networks with thousands of alumni and 33 community chapters. Alumni stay in contact with the Center through bilateral programs, research publications, communities of interest, and ongoing exchanges.

Overcoming Africa’s Democratic Setbacks

This article originally appeared at thebrenthurstfoundation.org. Mali’s rapid descent into instability from what seemed a promising democratic trajectory has been the cover story of African politics since a military coup there disrupted constitutional rule in early 2012. Soon thereafter, the northern half of the country fell under the control of Islamic militants. The seemingly abrupt... Continue Reading

Democracy and the Chain of Command: A New Governance of Africa’s Security Sector

Africa Security Brief No. 8   published by Dominique Djindjéré on November 30, 2010

Download this Security Brief as a PDF: English | Français | Português As many African countries continue down the path of democratic reform, Africa’s defense and security forces must make fundamental changes to adapt to a democratic model of governance. In this paper, General Dominique Djindjéré puts forward five priority reforms Africa’s defense and security... Continue Reading