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African Adaptations to the COVID-19 Response

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 15, 2020

Presidential task forces, staggered mobility, support for the most vulnerable, and local innovations mark Africa’s adaptive response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Mapping Risk Factors for the Spread of COVID-19 in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 3, 2020

African countries face varying levels of risk that will require adapting a diversified set of response strategies to the coronavirus. The most vulnerable countries may not be those with the earliest onset.

COVID-19 and Africa’s Displacement Crisis

Spotlight   published by Wendy Williams on March 25, 2020

The spread of the coronavirus in Africa is intersecting with the continent’s population displacement crisis. Protecting displaced persons and migrants will be key to reducing the overall rates of transmission.

What the Coronavirus Means for Africa

Spotlight   published by Shannon Smith on February 4, 2020

Given its fragile public health systems and close ties to China, Africa is vulnerable to the spread of the coronavirus, highlighting the continent’s centrality to global health security.

Assessing Africa’s 2020 Elections

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Candace Cook on January 28, 2020

African elections in 2020 will be a test against efforts to erode presidential term limits and other democratic checks and balances, with direct consequences for stability on the continent.

The Challenges of Reform in Angola

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 21, 2020

While João Lourenço has made headlines for high-profile corruption indictments against the dos Santos family patronage network, Angola’s authoritarian political system remains largely unchanged.

Burundi, the Forgotten Crisis, Still Burns

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 24, 2019

Although Nkurunziza has suppressed external reporting on Burundi, the country’s 4-year-old political and humanitarian crisis shows no signs of abating.

Record Number of Forcibly Displaced Africans Likely to Grow

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 10, 2019

With Africa's population expected to double by 2050, the rapid increase in the number of forcibly displaced Africans of the past decade will continue to expand unless key drivers are reversed.

The African Union Wavers between Reform and More of the Same

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on April 19, 2019

The African Union will need to overcome a lack of political will and address structural challenges if it is to be effective in responding to security crises on the continent, consistent with its founding mission.