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Presidential Elections in Mali: A Step toward Stabilizing a Weak State

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 25, 2018

Mali faces multiple security challenges that demand both strengthened legitimacy and state capacity to address. Building on credible elections, stabilization will also require reconciliation and extending the presence of the state.

Q&A: Somalia Charts Security Transition

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 17, 2018

Somalia’s National Security Advisor Abdisaid Ali talks about political will, security reforms in Somalia’s Transition Plan, and the commitment to domestic and international coalition building to sustain the country’s progress.

AMISOM’s Hard-Earned Lessons in Somalia

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 30, 2018

In an interview with the Africa Center, Simon Mulongo, deputy to the AU Commission in Mogadishu, says that AMISOM’s gains could never have been realized if it had continued to rely on the traditional peacekeeping template.

“We Hope and We Fight”: Youth, Communities, and Violence in Mali

Recommended research   published by Mercy Corps on March 22, 2018

In-depth interviews with more than 100 youth in Northern Mali found that they join armed groups out of sense of duty or to gain respect, because they feel excluded and the government doesn’t support them, they have experienced abuse or corruption at the hands of the governments, or in hopes of joining the military. To build lasting security in the region, the Malian government, donors and NGOs should focus on violence prevention at the community level, rather than only on “at risk” youth. Improved service delivery, including mitigating the perception that security forces serve only segments of the population, and inclusive community-government decision-making would further improve local governance.

Non-State Security Providers and Political Formation in Somalia

Recommended research   published by Ken Menkhaus, Centre for Security Governance on April 1, 2016

Non-state security providers (NSSPs) in Somalia, often entrenched in clan identity politics and the pursuit of profit, are ubiquitous. Their prevalence undermines efforts by the Somali government to provide legitimate governance and security. Yet they are often the only reliable source of protection and so are used by neighborhoods, businesses, international organizations, and even politicians.... Continue Reading

Recalibrating Coastal West Africa’s Response to Violent Extremism

Africa Security Brief No. 43   published by Daniel Eizenga and Amandine Gnanguênon on July 22, 2024

Coastal West African countries can strengthen resiliency to the threat of violent extremism by enhancing a multilayered response addressing local, national, and regional priorities.

Why the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Matters

Spotlight   published by Sègnonna Horace Adjolohoun and Paul Nantulya on July 8, 2024

Despite limited enforcement capacity, the African Court provides an avenue for redress when national judiciaries are unable to dispense justice, underscoring its instrumental role in promoting norms and standards of conduct on the continent.

Culture, Democracy, and the Fight against Violent Extremism

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 18, 2024

Strengthening democratic institutions and amplifying traditional African values to promote social cohesion and consensus goes hand in hand with the fight against violent extremism.

Accommodating Africa’s Juntas Amplifies Insecurity

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Jeffrey Smith on May 31, 2024

In addition to undermining democracy, accommodating Africa’s military coups will exacerbate security, economic, and humanitarian concerns.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.