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Misinterpreting Ethnic Conflicts in Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 4   published by Clement Mweyang Aapenguo on April 30, 2010

Ethnic conflicts in Africa are often portrayed as having ages-old origins with little prospects for resolution. This Security Brief challenges that notion arguing that a re-diagnosis of the underlying drivers to ethnic violence can lead to more effective and sustainable responses.

Lessons Learned from Peace Operations in Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 3   published by Paul D. Williams on March 31, 2010

Download PDF: English | Français | Português Peace operations have been a principal tool used to curb conflict in Africa over the past decade, with over 40 operations deployed since 2000. This Security Brief takes stock of lessons learned from these experiences and the implications they hold for improving the effectiveness of future peace operations... Continue Reading

U.S. Security Engagement in Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 1   published by William M. Bellamy on September 15, 2009

A significant development in Africa over the past decade has been the generalized lessening of violent conflict. Revitalized, expanded international peacekeeping, bolstered by a newly launched African Union determination to tackle security challenges, has reinforced this trend. But, much more cohesive interagency coordination under strong White House direction is required if the United States is to contribute to Africa’s sustained stability given the region’s persistent conditions of poverty, inequality, and weak governance.

Africa Logistics Forum


Attaining and sustaining peace across Africa is critically dependent on the ability of Africa’s security sector to respond in a timely manner, get troops and supplies to areas of greatest need, establish reliable communications infrastructure, relocate vulnerable and affected groups, and sustain efforts aimed at ensuring stability and democratic values.  This is the realm of... Continue Reading

Emerging Security Sector Leaders

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.

Chad: May 6

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 17, 2024

Senegal: March 24*

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 17, 2024

Mauritania: June 29

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 17, 2024

Botswana: October

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 17, 2024

Burkina Faso: July

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 17, 2024