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Assessing the Terrorist Attack in Tunisia

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 23, 2015

The deadly terrorist attack on the Bardo museum in Tunisia on March 18 turned the global spotlight on this North African nation, which has made significant strides in consolidating democracy since its long-serving ruler, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was ousted from power in January 2011.

Lessons from Burundi’s Security Sector Reform Process

Africa Security Brief No. 29   published by Nicole Ball on November 30, 2014

Burundi’s SSD program proactively addresses the politics of reform at the policy and operational levels, and can inform other African SSR initiatives.

Building Moral Leadership a Priority for African Militaries

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 28, 2014

The failure of African leaders to address institutional shortcomings caused by their militaries’ colonial roots has contributed to confusion within many African militaries over their role and priorities. Moral leadership is essential for reversing this situation.

Officials From Over 30 African Nations Gather for 16th Annual Senior Leaders Seminar in Washington

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on June 9, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — A high-level seminar for senior military and civilian leaders opened June 9, 2014 as the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) began its two-week flagship program, the Senior Leaders Seminar, at National Defense University in the U.S. capital. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Africa Center, which conducted its first... Continue Reading

Africa Center Dean Testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on February 28, 2014

Dr. Raymond Gilpin, Dean of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on “Prospects for Peace in the DRC and Great Lakes Region” on February 26, 2014. Others testifying included diplomats Russell D. Feingold and Roger Meece, and actor/director/activist Ben Affleck, who seeks to raise international awareness of the... Continue Reading

Peace Operations in Africa: Lessons Learned Since 2000

Africa Security Brief No. 25   published by Paul D. Williams on July 31, 2013

The achievements and shortcomings of peacekeeping operations offer vital lessons for optimizing this increasingly central but still evolving tool.

Addressing Côte d’Ivoire’s Deeper Crisis

Africa Security Brief No. 19   published by Thierno Mouctar Bah on March 31, 2012

Legacies of Côte d’Ivoire’s national identity crisis left this strategic West African country vulnerable to further instability.

Regional Security Cooperation in the Maghreb and Sahel: Algeria’s Pivotal Ambivalence

Africa Security Brief No. 18   published by Laurence Aïda Ammour on February 28, 2012

Despite growing security concerns across the Sahel and Maghreb, regional security cooperation to address these transnational threats remains fragmented. Algeria is well-positioned to play a central role in defining this cooperation, but must first reconcile the complex domestic, regional, and international considerations that shape its decision-making.

Investing in Science and Technology to Meet Africa’s Maritime Security Challenges

Africa Security Brief No. 10   published by Augustus Vogel on February 28, 2011

A growing number of Africa’s security challenges—narcotics trafficking, piracy, illegal fishing, and armed robberies, among others—take place at sea. Illicit actors exploit Africa’s maritime space given its expansiveness and the limited number of vessels African governments can field to interdict this activity. Technology can dramatically improve Africa’s maritime security coverage. However, to do so will require engaging Africa’s scientists who can guide and sustain these efforts. This will yield not only security but environmental and meteorological benefits for the continent.

Democracy and the Chain of Command: A New Governance of Africa’s Security Sector

Africa Security Brief No. 8   published by Dominique Djindjéré on November 30, 2010

Download this Security Brief as a PDF: English | Français | Português As many African countries continue down the path of democratic reform, Africa’s defense and security forces must make fundamental changes to adapt to a democratic model of governance. In this paper, General Dominique Djindjéré puts forward five priority reforms Africa’s defense and security... Continue Reading

Misinterpreting Ethnic Conflicts in Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 4   published by Clement Mweyang Aapenguo on April 30, 2010

Ethnic conflicts in Africa are often portrayed as having ages-old origins with little prospects for resolution. This Security Brief challenges that notion arguing that a re-diagnosis of the underlying drivers to ethnic violence can lead to more effective and sustainable responses.