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African Parliamentarian Security Sector Forum

Program Materials  

Program materials for the Africa Center's 2019 program, “National Security Strategy Development Workshop: Central and Southern Africa.” Click here for syllabus, readings, and presentation slides.

Managing Security Resources in Africa / Gestion des ressources de sécurité en Afrique

Program Materials  

Professional Development Symposium / Symposium sur le développement professionnel January 15–17 janvier 2019Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Éthiopie Schedule / Guide pedagogique / Programa: English | Français | Português Syllabus / Programme / Program de Estudos: English | Français | Português Bios: English | Français | Português Overview / Aperçu Presented by / présenté par : Luka... Continue Reading

Q&A: External Actors Shift the Landscape in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 28, 2018

External actors have sought to expand their security partnerships in Africa in recent years. The Africa Center spoke with Judd Devermont, Director of the CSIS Africa Program, about the trends and complexities of these relationships.

Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Uganda’s Experience

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 28, 2018

In an interview with the Africa Center, Stephen Twebaze says that when MPs govern as representatives rather than political actors, even parliaments dominated by a ruling party can practice effective oversight.

Contemporary Security Challenges in the Horn of Africa

Program Materials  

October 16–18, 2018 Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti Read Ahead Program Schedule Bios Session 1 Ethnicity, Governance and Stability Presented by: Mvemba Dizolele (Slides) Session 2 Democracy and Governance Presented by: Mvemba Dizolele (Slides | Video: Congo’s Bloody Coltan) Session 3 Effectiveness of Counterterrorism Responses in the Horn of Africa Presented by: Amy Pate (Slides) Session 4... Continue Reading

Africa’s Contemporary Security Challenges

Program Materials  

Program materials for the Africa Center's 2018 Africa's Contemporary Security Challenges Workshop. Click here for syllabus, readings, presentation slides, and links to videos.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

Program materials for the Africa Center's 2017 Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar. Click here for syllabus, bios, readings, and slides.