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Delivering on Nigerians’ Demands for Security

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 5, 2023

To reverse Nigeria’s deteriorating security environment, experts urge the Tinubu administration to surge security forces in identified hotspots while prioritizing civilian harm reduction, improving accountability of the security sector, and rebuilding trust.

Understanding Burkina Faso’s Latest Coup

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 28, 2022

Two coups d’état in 9 months mark the latest inflection point in Burkina Faso’s political instability, causing heightened uncertainty as the country faces an escalating militant Islamist threat.

Seven Takeaways from Kenya’s Consequential Election

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 7, 2022

Despite shortcomings, Kenyans have set a new and higher electoral bar for themselves, their neighbors, and the rest of Africa—demonstrating how closely contested elections can be credibly resolved through sufficiently independent institutions.

Kenyan Elections—Another Test in the Country’s Democratic Journey

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 11, 2022

Kenya’s competitive presidential elections reflect hard-earned progress in establishing independent constitutional and judicial guardrails, though a history of electoral violence demands all sides show restraint.

Africa’s Complex 2022 Elections: Restoring Democratic Processes

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Candace Cook on January 11, 2022

Responding to the coups, conflicts, and other derailments of democratic processes in recent years, Africa’s 2022 elections are, in large part, an effort to right the democratic ship of state on the continent.

A Crucial Moment in Chad’s Transition

Spotlight   published by Daniel Eizenga on December 17, 2021

Chad's national dialogue will not achieve stability or peace as long as those who support civilian rule and civilian transition continue to be excluded from the transition.

Collaborative Policing and Negotiating Urban Order in Abidjan

Africa Security Brief No. 40   published by Maxime Ricard and Kouamé Félix Grodji on November 9, 2021

Community-based security groups are emerging in African cities in response to rising crime and overstretched police forces. Experience from Abidjan shows that collaboration with the police, avoiding coercive tactics, and retaining citizen oversight councils are key to the effectiveness of these groups.

Party Militias — A Threat to Security and Military Professionalism

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 2, 2021

Ruling party militias in Africa are an increasingly employed tool to intimidate political rivals and keep populations in check—violating democratic rights and undercutting military professionalism.