The DRC Conflict Enters a Dangerous New Phase
The regionalization of the Democratic Republic of the Congo crisis raises prospects for another multinational Congo War and the need for a robust African response.
Africa’s 2025 Elections: A Test of Credibility to Uphold Democratic Norms
Democratic progress will require policymakers and journalists to recognize and prize genuine processes of democratic participation within Africa’s wide ranging 2025 electoral line up.
Topic in Focus
Democratic Republic of the Congo In Focus
A selection of Africa Center analyses reviewing the roots of the DRC’s ongoing crisis and priorities for reestablishing stability.
Recalibrating Coastal West Africa’s Response to Violent Extremism
Coastal West African countries can strengthen resiliency to the threat of violent extremism by enhancing a multilayered response addressing local, national, and regional priorities.
Oversight and Accountability to Improve Security Sector Governance in Africa
Oversight, accountability, and governance of the security sector are essential ingredients to a capable and effective force, mitigating infractions and contributing to a learning environment that improves future practices.
Topic in Focus: Security Sector Governance
Effective management of security resources is a pillar to security, good governance, and sustainable development—and a means of building trust in the security sector.
Senegal’s culture of military professionalism has been the outcome of a deliberate and long-term effort to inculcate values of service, meritocracy, and respect for democratic values.