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Ending South Sudan’s Civil War

Spotlight   published by Kate Almquist Knopf on November 28, 2016

Three years of civil war have left South Sudan on the cusp of full-scale genocide. The only remaining path to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity is through an international transitional administration, writes Africa Center Director Kate Almquist Knopf in a new report.

Selected Effects of Rising Temperatures on Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 17, 2016

Africa is more vulnerable to rising temperatures than any other region on the planet. This map reflects a few of the ways the changing environment is straining Africa’s social systems.

The Role of Civil Society in Averting Instability in the DRC

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 15, 2016

Part 3. The DRC’s nascent institutional checks and balances are too weak to curb executive overreach. And when state institutions are compromised, reform must come from the outside.

When Ethics Avert a Crisis: Two Cases from Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on October 26, 2016

More often than not, African security institutions are designed to protect the regime, not the citizens. But there is a growing list of cases where leaders acted ethically to get democratic processes on track and ultimately save lives.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Country in Focus   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 12, 2016

The Africa Center for Strategic Studies has compiled a selection of its analyses that identify the roots of the crisis in the DRC and priorities for reestablishing stability and progress toward a democratic transition.

War and Conflict in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 21, 2016

Although the vast majority of conflicts in Africa today involve non-state actors, there has been a significant increase in state-based violence since 2010. While there is now a better understanding of the need to engage at multiple levels of society, leveraging the political will and resources to facilitate these deeper connections has remained a challenge.

Overlapping Effects of Autocracy and Conflict in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 15, 2016

These maps highlight the strong relationship between governance and conflict on the continent. Central, Northern, and the Horn of Africa exhibit the persistence of autocratic systems of governance. This overlaps closely, though not entirely, with the frequency and magnitude of conflict on the continent.

A Looming Calamity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on September 13, 2016

Part 1. The DRC appears to be on a slow-motion path to tragedy. After 15 years in office, President Joseph Kabila will fulfill his term limits in December, but he has avoided organizing elections. Instead, he seems intent on holding onto power indefinitely.

Resource Mismanagement a Threat to Security in Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 7, 2016

Resources are always limited, even for advanced countries, but the problem in Africa is not resources per se. The problem is their misuse, says the Africa Center’s Assis Malaquias.

Islamist Extremism in East Africa

Africa Security Brief No. 32   published by Abdisaid M. Ali on August 9, 2016

Abdisaid M. Ali reviews the mainstreaming of Salafist ideology in East Africa and the polarizing impact of this more exclusivist interpretation of Islam.

Getting to the Root of the South Sudan Crisis

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on August 1, 2016

Reestablishing stability in South Sudan will require addressing the fundamental drivers of the recurring conflict. Civilian actors who derive their legitimacy from means other than guns need to be given a voice. This should be complemented by peacemaking processes at the community level, demilitarization at a societal level, and security sector reform countrywide.

Different Recipes, One Dish: Evading Term Limits in Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on July 28, 2016

Term-limit advocates are not framing their struggles within the context of Western norms. Rather, it is seen as an African normative framework that is being violated by the continent’s leaders.