The Africa Center hosts events on peace operations in promotion of efforts to ensure peace and security on the continent. By focusing on the security challenges facing Africa and the regional responses to said challenges and emergent crises, workshops held in Ghana, Malawi, and Washington, DC, have placed particular emphasis on the deployment of peacekeepers, the protection of civilians, challenges of peace enforcement, and the drawdown of peacekeeping missions. Our current webinar series for alumni is aimed at taking stock of recent developments in African-led peace operations across the continent.
Specific program objectives include:
- Assessing the security environment and the region’s capacity to response to crises
- Appreciating the challenges of operationalizing a robust peace operation and combatting nonstate armed groups
- Deepening understanding of protection of civilians mandates
- Developing a framework for drawing down a mission
- Providing recommendations for more effective regional, continental, and international partnerships
- Assessing and expanding understanding of African-led operations and charting recommendations for improving the regional security architecture.
Taking Stock of African Peace Operations:
Regional Responses to Unconstitutional Changes of Government
Webinar, April 2022
Taking Stock of African Peace Operations: The African Union Regional Task Force Against the LRA
Webinar, February 2022
The Gender Dimensions of African Peace Operations
Webinar, January 19, 2022
Taking Stock of African Peace Operations: The Multinational Joint Taskforce
Webinar, September 2021
Taking Stock of African Peace Operations: The G5 Sahel Joint Force
Webinar, April 2021
Taking Stock of African Peace Operations: An Overview
Webinar, February 2021
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