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Five Issues to Watch as Zimbabwe’s Transition Unfolds

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 16, 2017

With the resignation of President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe enters a new political era—one without the only leader the country has known since independence in 1980. Here are five strategic considerations to follow.

South Sudan Conflict Drives Massive Population Movement

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 31, 2017

Mass atrocities, including unlawful killings, rape, torture, and destruction of property, have caused one in three people in South Sudan to flee their homes.

Ethical African Leaders Champion Reforms, Set New Standards

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on October 31, 2017

Reforms in Africa’s security sector require leaders with vision and the ability to persevere against inevitable resistance. Vignettes of African leaders who championed reforms demonstrate how these actions advance stability and increase public trust.

A Medley of Armed Groups Play on Congo’s Crisis

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 25, 2017

The DRC’s political crisis has galvanized and revived many of the estimated 70 armed groups currently active in the country, making the nexus between political and sectarian violence by armed militias a key feature of the DRC’s political instability.

Conflict and Food Insecurity in South Sudan

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 28, 2017

The humanitarian situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate as the conflict persists unabated. Four years of widespread violence have left 6 million people—half the population—acutely food insecure.

Human Rights Key to Security: A Conversation with Ibrahim Wani

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 23, 2017

Despite historical distrust between security and human rights communities, these objectives are in fact complementary to attain sustainable security, says a distinguished human rights expert.

Wisdom from Africa on Ethical Leadership

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on May 9, 2017

Examples from Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania offer lessons of how ethical leadership is central to maintaining public trust in the security sector and ultimately preserving stability and peace.