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Delivering on Nigerians’ Demands for Security

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 5, 2023

To reverse Nigeria’s deteriorating security environment, experts urge the Tinubu administration to surge security forces in identified hotspots while prioritizing civilian harm reduction, improving accountability of the security sector, and rebuilding trust.

Lessons from South Africa for Holding Leaders Accountable

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on April 18, 2023

South Africa’s layered oversight processes afford an institutionalized means of holding senior leaders accountable for allegations of misconduct—and offer insights for upholding the rule of law elsewhere.

Reclaiming Al Shabaab’s Revenue

Spotlight   published by Wendy Williams on March 27, 2023

Cutting off al Shabaab’s estimated $100 million in extortion-generated annual revenue will require restoring the integrity of Somalia’s compromised financial, judicial, and intelligence agencies.

The Persistence of Cults of Personality in African Governance

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 14, 2023

African leaders who hold power indefinitely often employ cults of personality to consolidate power, demand personal fealty, and systematically undermine independent governance institutions.

Taking Stock of the Surge in Militant Islamist Violence in Africa

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Wendy Williams on March 7, 2023

The spike in militant Islamist group violence in Africa has been marked by a 68-percent increase in fatalities involving civilians, highlighting the need for more population-centric stabilization strategies.

“Transition” Orchestrated by Chad’s Military Goes Awry

Spotlight   published by Daniel Eizenga on November 15, 2022

The violent crackdown on the peaceful opposition in Chad exposes the coercive intimidation behind the military junta’s unwillingness to facilitate a genuine democratic transition.

Russia’s Use of Private Military Contractors

Russia has deployed the shadowy paramilitary outfit, the Wagner Group, in at least a half dozen African countries in recent years, leaving a wake of instability for the citizens of the host country and the further retrenchment of illiberal actors.

Seven Takeaways from Kenya’s Consequential Election

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 7, 2022

Despite shortcomings, Kenyans have set a new and higher electoral bar for themselves, their neighbors, and the rest of Africa—demonstrating how closely contested elections can be credibly resolved through sufficiently independent institutions.

Illegal Logging in Africa and Its Security Implications

Spotlight   published by C. Browne, Catherine Lena Kelly, and Carl Pilgram on August 12, 2022

Illegal logging is a growing feature of transnational organized crime in Africa, often facilitated by the collusion of senior officials, with far-reaching security and environmental implications for the countries affected.