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Record 29 Million Africans Are Forcibly Displaced

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 24, 2020

An additional 4 million Africans were forced from their homes due to conflict and repressive governance in the past year, continuing an upward trend since 2011.

Keeping Terrorism at Bay in Mauritania

Spotlight   published by Anouar Boukhars on June 16, 2020

Mauritania’s security reforms, including training, enhanced mobility, Special Forces, prudent procurement, and community engagement have strengthened its capability to confront violent extremist groups.

Shifts in the Libyan Civil War

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on June 16, 2020

The rapid gains of Libya's Government of National Accord have pushed rebel leader General Khalifa Haftar's forces out of large swathes of western Libya, further shifting the balance of this geostrategic competition.

Geostrategic Dimensions of Libya’s Civil War

Africa Security Brief No. 37   published by Tarek Megerisi on May 18, 2020

Libya's civil war has become an increasingly competitive geostrategic struggle. A UN-brokered settlement supported by non-aligned states is the most viable means for a stable de-escalation, enabling Libya to regain its sovereignty.

Defusing the Political Crisis in Guinea

Spotlight   published by Alix Boucher on April 28, 2020

President Alpha Condé’s maneuvers to adopt a new Constitution despite popular opposition are another step toward subverting democratic checks and balances in order to secure a third term as president.

Chad’s Escalating Fight against Boko Haram

Spotlight   published by Daniel Eizenga on April 20, 2020

A rise in Boko Haram and ISWA attacks in Chad has been met with a military surge to clear the area. Enduring success will require a sustained presence and an intensified regional commitment.

Mapping Risk Factors for the Spread of COVID-19 in Africa

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on April 3, 2020

African countries face varying levels of risk that will require adapting a diversified set of response strategies to the coronavirus. The most vulnerable countries may not be those with the earliest onset.

Crime and Contagion: The Impact of a Pandemic on Organized Crime

Recommended research   published by Tuesday Reitano, Mark Shaw, Global Initiative against Organized Crime on March 30, 2020

As the pandemic spreads, organized crime has been adapting to changing illicit market drivers. In Africa, increased border restrictions have impacted human-smuggling routes in the Sahel and the price of heroin in East and Southern Africa. Cocaine shipments from Latin America to West Africa are suspected of having restarted. In South Africa and Kenya, scammers have been exploiting fears and misinformation for profit. Anticipating opportunities for organized crime, particularly where security vulnerabilities already exist, will require building community support and depriving criminal groups of their legitimacy.

Threat from African Militant Islamist Groups Expanding, Diversifying

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 18, 2020

Militant Islamist groups in Africa set a record pace of activity in 2019, reflecting a doubling of militant Islamist activity from 2013. Expanded activity in the Sahel and Lake Chad Basin underscores diversification of threat from Somalia.

Countering Transnational Organized Crime Seminar

Program Materials  

This week-long seminar on Countering Transnational Organized Crime is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in peer learning about tools, techniques, and approaches for effectively countering transnational organized crime in their countries, in the region, and across the continent.

Dr. Anouar Boukhars

Bio page
Professor of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism. Areas of Expertise: Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism, Radicalization.