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Maritime Security Awareness in Africa: Elevating Youth Voices

Program Materials  

The Africa Center for Strategic Studies, the Office of the African Union Youth Envoy, and the African Union’s Youth4Peace Africa Program will organize an academic webinar to analyze the role of youth in promoting awareness about ocean health, protection, and its sustainability. For purposes of this webinar, “youth” refers to professionals under the age of 35.

The Persistence of Cults of Personality in African Governance

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 14, 2023

African leaders who hold power indefinitely often employ cults of personality to consolidate power, demand personal fealty, and systematically undermine independent governance institutions.

Deepening a Culture of Military Professionalism in Africa

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 20, 2022

Creating a culture of military professionalism requires instilling core societal values within all members of the armed forces. Such shared values have a powerful unifying effect on a military, amplifying force cohesion and effectiveness.

African Biodiversity Loss Raises Risk to Human Security

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on December 7, 2022

Declines in Africa’s rich ecological biodiversity threaten millions of livelihoods, increased food insecurity, conflicts over land, and transmission of zoonotic diseases that can lead to more pandemics.

Rising Sea Levels Besieging Africa’s Booming Coastal Cities

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 8, 2022

Rising ocean levels threaten dozens of Africa’s rapidly expanding coastal metropolises, resulting in shrinking land area, coastal flooding, more powerful storm surges, and the need for better mitigation.

Russia’s Use of Private Military Contractors

Russia has deployed the shadowy paramilitary outfit, the Wagner Group, in at least a half dozen African countries in recent years, leaving a wake of instability for the citizens of the host country and the further retrenchment of illiberal actors.

Strengthening Sahelian Counterinsurgency Strategy

Africa Security Brief No. 41   published by Michael Shurkin on July 25, 2022

Adapting Sahelian force structures to lighter, more mobile, and integrated units will better support the population-centric COIN practices needed to reverse the escalating trajectory of violent extremist attacks.

Kenyan Elections—Another Test in the Country’s Democratic Journey

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 11, 2022

Kenya’s competitive presidential elections reflect hard-earned progress in establishing independent constitutional and judicial guardrails, though a history of electoral violence demands all sides show restraint.