Why Al-Shabaab Persists in Somalia Webinar

Academic Webinar

December 9, 2021

English | Français | Português

Biographies: English | Français | Português

The Africa Center for Strategic Studies will convene an academic webinar that provides an in-depth look at the origins, motivations, and drivers of Al-Shabaab. The analysis will consider dynamics in the group’s composition, its objectives over time, as well as political and economic factors that have enabled it to persist.

Webinar Objectives

  1. Participants will have a better understanding of the composition, motivations and objectives, as well as drivers and enabling factors of al-Shabaab.
  2. Participants will have better clarity of the political economy of violent extremism in Somalia.
  3. Participants will gain better insights into the most relevant frameworks and approaches to understanding and diagnosing the key violent extremist actors in their contexts.

Recommended Readings

  1. Orly Maya Stern, “Al-Shabaab’s Gendered Economy,” Adam Smith International, 2021.
  2. Mohamed Haji Ingiriis, “The anthropology of Al-Shabaab: the salient factors for the insurgency movement’s recruitment project,” Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol  31,, N, 1, 2020.


  1. Mr. Omar Mahmood
  2. Dr. Orly Maya Stern
  3. Mr. Mohamed Haji Ingiriis


Dr. Anouar Boukhars