Togo: An Election without Voting Aimed at Perpetuating Gnassingbé Dynasty
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Democratic progress will require policymakers and journalists to recognize and prize genuine processes of democratic participation within Africa’s wide ranging 2025 electoral line up.
African countries will be looking to recalibrate their strategic partnerships with China to advance African interests as the continent positions itself to exercise greater agency in its external partnerships.
Africa’s persisting conflicts are compounding crises of governance on the continent, straining already fragile regions and opening the door to foreign exploitation through proxy forces, resource trafficking, and information manipulation.
Extensive flooding in more than two dozen African countries due to higher-than-average rainfall has resulted in thousands of fatalities, millions of people displaced, and devastated infrastructure.
China is leveraging its military training exercises with African forces to advance China’s expeditionary capabilities and geostrategic ambitions.
Unregulated logging of the Congo Basin rainforests threatens to undercut the livelihoods of millions of households in the region, empower transnational organized criminal networks, and disrupt water cycles in West Africa and the Nile River Basin.
Overcoming the ongoing asymmetry of Africa-China relations will require institutionalizing more robust and transparent African monitoring of commitments, strategic representation, and harnessing of African expertise.
The recent militant Islamist attack in Bamako is part of a broader push by violent extremist groups into southern Mali and reflective of the deteriorating security in Mali under military rule.
To enhance the impact of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, African countries need a more coherent strategy of engagement with China along with increased public transparency, awareness, and citizen agency.
China promotes its dominant party model in Africa through a suite of training programs for party and government officials even though this model is antithetical to Africans’ preference for multiparty democracy.
Coastal West African countries can strengthen resiliency to the threat of violent extremism by enhancing a multilayered response addressing local, national, and regional priorities.