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African Migration Trends to Watch in 2023

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on January 9, 2023

Most African migration is to economic hubs on the continent, a pattern that can be expected to continue as regional economies become more integrated.

Decoding Russia’s Economic Engagements in Africa

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on January 6, 2023

While Russia has little to offer Africa economically, the political incentives for Moscow to engage on the continent have only grown stronger following its invasion of Ukraine.

Rising Sea Levels Besieging Africa’s Booming Coastal Cities

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on November 8, 2022

Rising ocean levels threaten dozens of Africa’s rapidly expanding coastal metropolises, resulting in shrinking land area, coastal flooding, more powerful storm surges, and the need for better mitigation.

Conflict Remains the Dominant Driver of Africa’s Spiraling Food Crisis

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 14, 2022

More than 80 percent of the record 137 million Africans facing acute food insecurity are in conflict-affected countries underscoring that conflict continues to be the primary driver of Africa’s food crisis.

Africa’s Contemporary Security Challenges

Program Materials  

This Africa Center program explores the changing demographic, economic, and environmental factors that may pose security challenges now or in the near future.

Youth, Peace, and Security

Program Materials  

This webinar series provides analysis of border security and governance challenges that African states are facing across the continent in multiple criminal markets, and offers insight into the multi-sectoral responses that security sector leaders are part of mounting to build community resilience to such challenges.

Record 36 Million Africans Forcibly Displaced

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 19, 2022

Conflict continues to drive Africa’s record levels of population displacement. Africa’s 36 million forcibly displaced persons represent 44 percent of the global total.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

A two-week program held in June 2022 for mid-level African security sector professionals who are emerging leaders within their fields. With an emphasis on peer-to-peer exchanges, this seminar embodies the Africa Center’s mission to advance African security by expanding understanding, providing a trusted platform for dialogue, building enduring partnerships, and catalyzing strategic solutions.

Rule of Law and Security Sector Governance


The Africa Center’s rule of law and security sector governance portfolio seeks to provide a trusted platform for senior-level African security and justice professionals, African parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, as well as alumni from civil society and academia, to share information, experiences, and practical ideas about these multiple aspects of rule of law, how they influence citizen security, and what successes and challenges security officials and oversight actors are likely to encounter in their work to enhance the rule of law in African security and defense sectors.

African Lessons in Cyber Strategy

Spotlight   published by Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola and Nate D.F. Allen on March 8, 2022

To address a growing array of cyber threats and challenges, African governments need to adopt cybersecurity strategies that foster collaboration and trust between security, civilian, and private sector stakeholders.

African Parliamentarians Forum 2022: Pathways to Democratic Security Governance

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program for African parliamentarians and their staff to analyze current trends, challenges, and innovations in the work of legislatures to foster democratic and civilian control of security sectors across the continent. Tools and techniques to bolster parliamentary oversight, accountability, and outreach efforts on defense and security are discussed throughout.

Trajectories of Violence Against Civilians by Africa’s Militant Islamist Groups

Spotlight   published by Anouar Boukhars on February 8, 2022

Extremist group violence against civilians is driven by context-specific factors—outgroup grievances, intimidation to control territory, and a response to heavy-handed security responses—that require enhanced community-level mitigation and military professionalism.