22 Search Results for "gouvernance" …

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Emerging Security Sector Leaders

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.

The Persistence of Cults of Personality in African Governance

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on March 14, 2023

African leaders who hold power indefinitely often employ cults of personality to consolidate power, demand personal fealty, and systematically undermine independent governance institutions.

Understanding Burkina Faso’s Latest Coup

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on October 28, 2022

Two coups d’état in 9 months mark the latest inflection point in Burkina Faso’s political instability, causing heightened uncertainty as the country faces an escalating militant Islamist threat.

Emerging Security Sector Leaders Seminar

Program Materials  

A two-week program held in June 2022 for mid-level African security sector professionals who are emerging leaders within their fields. With an emphasis on peer-to-peer exchanges, this seminar embodies the Africa Center’s mission to advance African security by expanding understanding, providing a trusted platform for dialogue, building enduring partnerships, and catalyzing strategic solutions.

How Do National Oversight Institutions Influence Security Sector Governance?

Program Materials  

This webinar will provide a forum for African experts to explore the strengths and weaknesses of security sector oversight by a range of formal institutions internal to the state that are designed and committed to bolstering democratic and civilian control of the security sector.

Border Governance Approaches to Countering Transnational Organized Crime

Program Materials  

This webinar series provides analysis of border security and governance challenges that African states are facing across the continent in multiple criminal markets, and offers insight into the multi-sectoral responses that security sector leaders are part of mounting to build community resilience to such challenges.

Enhancing Security-Justice Coordination to Counter Transnational Organized Crime

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program cohosted with the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism that focuses on effective community policing as a tool for countering violent extremism. This program provides an opportunity to capture and share insights, experiences, and lessons, among countries and across regions, about both the implementation challenges in community policing and the practical experiences in bridging gaps between the security sector and the communities they are entrusted with protecting and serving

Community Policing Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in Africa

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program cohosted with the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism that focuses on effective community policing as a tool for countering violent extremism. This program provides an opportunity to capture and share insights, experiences, and lessons, among countries and across regions, about both the implementation challenges in community policing and the practical experiences in bridging gaps between the security sector and the communities they are entrusted with protecting and serving