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published by Sègnonna Horace Adjolohoun and Paul Nantulya
on July 8, 2024
Despite limited enforcement capacity, the African Court provides an avenue for redress when national judiciaries are unable to dispense justice, underscoring its instrumental role in promoting norms and standards of conduct on the continent.
published by Nate Allen and Nicole Mazurova
on April 30, 2024
The use of United Nations–assessed contributions to support African Union–led peace operations has the potential to revitalize peace operations in Africa.
published by Paul Nantulya
on February 27, 2024
By co-opting apex courts, incumbents bent on regime survival can entrench themselves in power while maintaining what their citizens consider to be sham democracies.
published by Paul Nantulya and Leland Lazarus
on January 22, 2024
African, Latin American, and Caribbean countries can enhance the benefits of their engagements with China by expanding coordination and lessons sharing to ensure that citizens’ interests are prioritized.
published by Paul Nantulya
on October 30, 2023
China envisages professional military education in Africa as an opportunity to promote China’s governance model while deepening ties to Africa’s ruling political parties.
published by Paul Nantulya
on September 29, 2023
To break the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s long legacy of stolen elections, the country’s independent oversight institutions, civil society, and media will need the backing of SADC and international democratic actors.
Program Materials
A webinar on the strategic significance of bolstering civilian oversight of the security sector. African experts will share knowledge, experiences, and practical tools/techniques for enhancing civilian oversight of various parts of the security sector, and reflect on innovative ways forward.
published by Paul Nantulya
on September 5, 2023
China’s United Front work co-opts well-placed individuals and organizations to cultivate support for and defend China’s goals and interests while isolating China’s opponents in Africa.
published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on June 7, 2023
Sierra Leone's former president draws on his country's post-war security transformation as a model for reforming Africa's security sectors to be more citizen centric.
Program Materials
This three-week, in-person seminar is designed to facilitate participants’ engagement in interdisciplinary peer learning about strategic and adaptive leadership and its implications for the effective management of African security challenges.
published by Joseph Siegle and Candace Cook
on January 31, 2023
Despite serious challenges, Africa's youthful electorates vie to have their voices heard so as to shape a more democratic, stable, and prosperous future.