Recommended research
published by Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on January 1, 2000
(See more recent readings on this topic here.) IMobile money and organised crime in Africa By Interpol, ENACT, June 30, 2020 Peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers are the most used mobile payment services globally, and providers already operate in at least 45 African countries. Transnational criminal syndicates have also embraced P2P technology: to facilitate money laundering, extortion,... Continue Reading
Recommended research
published by Africa Center for Strategic Studies
on January 1, 2000
(See more recent readings on this topic here.) The Growing Complexity of Farmer-Herder Conflict in West and Central Africa By Leif Brottem, July 12, 2021 The rise of farmer-herder violence in Africa is more pernicious than fatality figures alone since it is often amplified by the emotionally potent issues of ethnicity, religion, culture, and land.... Continue Reading