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China’s United Front Strategy in Africa

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on September 5, 2023

China’s United Front work co-opts well-placed individuals and organizations to cultivate support for and defend China’s goals and interests while isolating China’s opponents in Africa.

African Conflicts Displace Over 40 Million People

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on August 22, 2023

Continuing a decade long trend, the number of Africans who are forcibly displaced has risen over the past year and now totals over 40 million people.

Africa’s Interests in Strengthening the United Nations System

Spotlight   published by Paul Nantulya on August 14, 2023

African countries have played an overlooked role shaping the UN international system, remain committed to preserving and improving it, and oppose efforts to destabilize, dismantle, or overturn it.

African-Led Peace Operations: A Crucial Tool for Peace and Security

Spotlight   published by Nate D.F. Allen on August 9, 2023

African-led peace operations have been vital tools for managing Africa’s complex array of security challenges, though continued reform is needed to intervene more decisively in the continent’s most devastating conflicts.

African Militant Islamist Group-Linked Fatalities at All-Time High

Infographic   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 31, 2023

A 50-percent spike in fatalities tied to militant Islamist groups in the Sahel and Somalia over the past year has eclipsed the previous high in 2015 when Boko Haram was at its most lethal phase.

Using Africa as a Stage at the Russia–Africa Summit

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle on July 21, 2023

The Russia-Africa Summit provides a stage for Russia to elevate its geostrategic posture despite the instability its irregular tactics are creating in Africa.

It’s Business as Usual for Wagner Group in Africa, despite Russian Turbulence

In the wake of the recent short-lived mutiny, Putin faces a dilemma: He can allow the Wagner escapades to continue in Africa unhindered—thereby generating further influence and some resources for the government—or he can attempt to take over these operations but lose the influence and benefits Wagner brings the Kremlin.

China’s Influence on African Media

Video   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on May 12, 2023

China media expert Bob Wekesa reflects on the Chinese Communist Party’s model of total state control of information and its export to Africa.

Taking Stock of the Surge in Militant Islamist Violence in Africa

Spotlight   published by Joseph Siegle and Wendy Williams on March 7, 2023

The spike in militant Islamist group violence in Africa has been marked by a 68-percent increase in fatalities involving civilians, highlighting the need for more population-centric stabilization strategies.