Table ronde sur « La lutte contre l ’extrémisme violent en Afrique »

6–8 March/mars 2018
Rabat, Morocco/Maroc
Syllabus | Programme

CVE in an African Context
La lutte contre l’extrémisme violent dans le contexte africain

  • Marisha Ramdeen. “Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Africa.” ACCORD. 21 July 2017.
    This article contrasts the military interventions against terrorism in Nigeria and Somalia to more complete and robust approaches adopted in Mali. It recommends ‘soft power’ to counter violent extremism and terrorism, including enhanced use of mediation, more humanitarian diplomacy, connecting development and peace processes, and increasing research and information sharing on P/CVE.
  • UN Development Program. “Journey to Extremism in Africa: Drivers, Incentives and the Tipping Point for Recruitment.” September 2017.
    This report examines how official development assistance can serve to counter violent extremism. Based on extensive interviews with former members, this study argues for a (human) rights-based approach to counterterrorism, improved governance structures, and a stronger link between peace and development frameworks.

Analyzing CVE Roles by Sector and Service
Analyse des rôles dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent par secteur et service

  • Lisa Sharland, Tim Grice, and Sara Zeiger. “P/CVE in Africa: The Role of the Mining Sector.” ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute). November 2017.
    This report examines the relationship between mining projects and violent extremism in Africa, identifying risks and opportunities across the life cycle of a mining project. It concludes with 13 specific recommendations to enhance CVE in mining, tailored to the mining sector, mining companies, host governments, and local community organizations.
  • ‘Kemi Okenyodo. “The Role of Women in Preventing, Mitigating and Responding to Violence and Violent Extremism in Nigeria.” Chapter 5 of Naureen Chowdhury Fink, Sara Zeiger, and Rafia Bhulai, eds. A Man’s World? Exploring the Roles of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism. Hedayah, 2016.
    This piece examines the gender roles in Nigeria and their implications for CVE. It argues that women’s participation in law enforcement and military agencies might improve CVE efforts in situations where men cannot intervene due to gender differences and cultural expectations.

Defense and Law Enforcement Institutions in CVE
Institutions de défense et police dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent

  • Nicholas Robinson and Catherine Lena Kelly. “Rule of Law Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism.” ABA Rule of Law Initiative. May 2017.
    This article argues for a greater integration of Rule of Law perspectives into CVE work. It argues that main drivers of violent extremism, like repression, rights abuses, and state illegitimacy are fundamentally Rule of Law matters. To improve CVE programming, states and societies should tailor responses to local contexts and avoid backlash effects resulting from neglecting Rule of Law concerns.
  • Stevan Weine. “The Role of Community Policing in Countering Violent Extremism.” START Research Brief. February 2015.
    This brief outlines the competencies shared by community policing and CVE law enforcement across seven practice domains. It notes that CVE policing entails additional concerns, such as avoiding excessive centralization, encouraging regular meetings with the public, and not stigmatizing the communities addressed.

CVE Challenges for Defense and Law Enforcement Personnel
Problèmes de la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent pour les militaires et la police

  • Michael McNerney et al. “Defense Institution Building in Africa: An Assessment.” RAND. 2016.
    This report examines US defense institution building (DIB) in Africa through two cases studies (Liberia and Libya) and through two comparisons (United Kingdom and France). It argues for greater agreement on DIB definitions and priorities, better communication about DIB, and improving links between DIB and other security cooperation goals.
  • Georgia Holmer and Fulco van Deventer. “Inclusive Approaches to Community Policing and CVE.” USIP. September 2014.
    This article compares P/CVE community policing to three other contexts for community policing: transitional societies, marginalized communities, and inclusion of women. It finds broad overlap among these cases, but notes some differences. Most significantly, it emphasizes a common and nuanced understanding of ‘violent extremism’ and effective responses between police and the community, for the generation of joint solutions to mitigate the threat.