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Daniel Hampton

Bio page
Deputy Director and Professor of Practice, Security Studies. Areas of Expertise: Political-Military Affairs, Peace Support Operations, National Security Strategy, Department of Defense and U.S. Embassy Operations, U.S. Security Assistance Planning and Execution.

The Africa Center Community

As part of its mission to expand understanding and build enduring partnerships, the Africa Center maintains relationships and builds networks with thousands of alumni and 33 community chapters. Alumni stay in contact with the Center through bilateral programs, research publications, communities of interest, and ongoing exchanges.

Africa Center’s Assis Malaquias Recognized for Work on Maritime Security

Spotlight   published by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies on July 30, 2015

The U.S. Department of State has honored the Africa Center’s Dr. Assis Malaquias with an award recognizing his unique contributions in advancing maritime security efforts in Africa. Dr. Malaquias has been leading the Africa Center’s maritime security portfolio since 2009. In this capacity he has facilitated numerous discussions with African governments and Regional Economic Communities... Continue Reading