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Leçons tirées de la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent en Afrique de l’Ouest côtière

Program Materials  

Un webinaire qui propose une analyse approfondie des acteurs, des structures et des processus qui contribuent à la croissance de l'extrémisme violent en Afrique occidentale côtière. Le webinaire est également l'occasion de tirer les leçons des lacunes des approches antiterroristes et des dispositifs de sécurité existants mis en oeuvre au Sahel.

Comprendre le paysage fragmenté de l’extrémisme violent dans le bassin du Tchad

Program Materials  

Le Centre d'études stratégiques de l'Afrique a organisé un webinaire qui examine en profondeur la reconfiguration des organisations extrémistes violentes dans le bassin du lac Tchad, 16 mois après la mort du leader de Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau. L'analyse examine les dynamiques dans la composition des groupes, leurs objectifs au fil du temps, ainsi que les facteurs politiques et économiques qui leur ont permis de persister.

Contrecarrer l’extrémisme violent

Focus thématique   publié par le Centre d’études stratégiques de l’Afrique le 6 avril 2022

Violent extremism remains one of Africa’s most pressing security threats. The following publications provide a series of resources for countering violent extremism initiatives in Africa.

Élaboration de stratégies locales pour contrecarrer l’extrémisme violent (CVE) en Afrique

Program Materials  

A virtual academic program cohosted with the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism that focuses on effective community policing as a tool for countering violent extremism. This program provides an opportunity to capture and share insights, experiences, and lessons, among countries and across regions, about both the implementation challenges in community policing and the practical experiences in bridging gaps between the security sector and the communities they are entrusted with protecting and serving

Comprendre les origines de l’extrémisme violent à Cabo Delgado

Program Materials  

A Webinar on Thursday, December 3, 2020, designed to expand understanding of the key technological and geopolitical trends driving Africa’s digital revolution of most concern to African security sector professionals; explore the main ways in which rising internet penetration, technological innovation and the diffusion of cyber capabilities are influencing Africa’s national security landscape; discuss and consider how the COVID-19 pandemic influence how the digital revolution will impact Africa’s security landscape; and identify the cyber capabilities and intentions and of key national security actors, including states, criminal networks and terrorist groups.

Mettre en application des stratégies régionales pour lutter contre l’extrémisme violent et le terrorisme

Program Materials  

A Webinar on Thursday, December 3, 2020, designed to expand understanding of the key technological and geopolitical trends driving Africa’s digital revolution of most concern to African security sector professionals; explore the main ways in which rising internet penetration, technological innovation and the diffusion of cyber capabilities are influencing Africa’s national security landscape; discuss and consider how the COVID-19 pandemic influence how the digital revolution will impact Africa’s security landscape; and identify the cyber capabilities and intentions and of key national security actors, including states, criminal networks and terrorist groups.

Innovations et défis en matière de lutte contre l’extrémisme violent et le terrorisme en Afrique

Program Materials  

A Webinar on Thursday, December 3, 2020, designed to expand understanding of the key technological and geopolitical trends driving Africa’s digital revolution of most concern to African security sector professionals; explore the main ways in which rising internet penetration, technological innovation and the diffusion of cyber capabilities are influencing Africa’s national security landscape; discuss and consider how the COVID-19 pandemic influence how the digital revolution will impact Africa’s security landscape; and identify the cyber capabilities and intentions and of key national security actors, including states, criminal networks and terrorist groups.